This baby is crazy!

My youngest daughter Avery is trying to walk before she can crawl, lol! She has always been wanting to walk, she sees all of us walking and even crawling around on the floor with her doesn’t help. She has been pulling herself up on things. She likes to stand and can balance for a few seconds not holding onto anything. Lol. She cries when I put her on her hands and knees cuz she won’t get there herself. She can, but she likes standing better. I don’t know what to do to get her to crawl. I guess she will eventually. I just don’t want her to walk first cuz I’m afraid of her getting bowed legs. I have a friend whose baby that happened to. Just wanting to share, lol

Hi, it sounds to me like your baby is wanting to be at the same level as you? Have you tried to get onto the ground and crawl with her?

I think the concern is not only the bow legs, but there is also brain development (gross motor skills) which are developed when a baby crawls.

May be try to crawl around the house with her?

I’m not too concerned about the bow legs, because the children who chose to stand have the strengh to do it. My daughter was standing up, holding up to furniture, all day long from 7m as well. she does not have bowed legs. I would teach her how to crawl from one piece of furniture to another. To encourage this, get her started on stair. Put for example her toys on the next step to get her interest. Stair climbing is very good.

Yes I do get on the floor and crawl with her. But she would rather sit up and then from there pull herself up on whatever is closest, most of the time me. Lol. I also want her to crawl because of the right brain development. Yes, vey important. But I figure if she does walk first then I can get her to crawl with me later and we watch tweedlewink and I try to do other right brain activities. Well now I feel better about her getting bowed legs. She was standing at birth!! She held herself up on her legs! The nurse called us to look over and I see little mad clenched butt cheeks standin up. Lol

I think it is complete normal! Some children walk before crawling and since my personal opinion is just fine!

My little one only crawled for one month as he, too, was more interested in walking. He is a very bright little one. And as for rightbrain/crawling…we play on the floor and crawl a lot now. I think he likes it more now because he knows that when he feels like he’s done he can just get up and wallk. Now he can enjoy it because he can CHOOSE it. As for the bowed legs…I have no experience with this but I’d take a guess that it had more to do with other factors that that your friend’s little one walked before crawling.

We strongly encouraged our kids to develop a cross pattern crawl before waking. As pp suggested - stairs are great. I’m sure there are some great crawling posts in the Brill Kids archives, or you can google crawling & brain development.

nienienday, it soumds to me like you’ve got everything covered, and I would not worry about a thing! keep up the good work mum!

I skipped crawling and went straight to walking at 4 months old, then in a full run by 6 months. The good news is that I’m not bow legged. The bad news, I was climbing on top of the refrigerator and out of my crib by 9 months. Then I was out the front door (in the middle of the night) before 1 year. Maybe you will be posting a new thread in a couple months titled “This baby is driving me crazy.” :ohmy: If so, just remember that you can super childproof one room and stack the safety gates two high. Good luck.

Okay, THAT is crazy Twinergy. Lol. I am doing a lot to try to get her to crawl first. Thanks ladies. Puttin her in the crawling position and moving her arms and legs so that she is crawling, and other things : )

HOLY SMOKES!! Thats all I have to say. Oh yes and your poor mother lol.

Twinergy: Did any of ur 2 baby surpass ur ACHIEVEMENT?? hehe… :biggrin:

No, my twins started crawling at 5 months and were running by 9 months. My DS is a climber but my DD isn’t as graceful. We have been on top of the childproofing so he hasn’t had the opportunities to get into as much as I had.

Hey Niniedney,
I wouldn’t worry. My girl was the same way. She sat up very early, and would only try to pull up and walk.
If she could hold your fingers she would walk aaround at 4 months. If we tried to crawl around with her she would just cry. My grown sisters lived with us and no children were around to be seen on the floor. I think she just wanted to be like us.
No matter how I tried to cinvince her to crawl she wouldn’t have it. It worried me no end, and my mother would always ask," Is she crawling yet?"
She would pull up on everything at 6 months, Stand up from sitting unasisted at 7 months. At 8 months she walked from me to my Father back and forth for 30 minutes. The next day she let go of the couch and walked across a whole room to my mother unprompted. After that moment she walked everywhere, trotting as fast as she could go.
The day after she walked she crawled for the first time. she just took off down the hall like she’d been doing it all along. She choose it and I think that was important for her.
Now she loves to crawl like an animal for fun. We play crawl on all fours like a dog, we do “bear crawl” with our rumps up, we slither like snakes on our belly. She loves it.
Everyone is an individual and different. My girl is creative, athletic, and very bright, but totally skipped crawling. :slight_smile:

you outta come visit Maldives… Walking without crawling is such a normal thing here! And you can see that here walking at around 10months is normal and if they dont walk by 11months then parents will start getting worried!! I know babies who has walked around tables at 7months! and unassisted at 8months!
So relax… n let her be!

But Twinergy you are totally unheard of!!! running at 6months!!! I havent heard of this yet!

My mom laughed at me when she found out I was pregnant with twins. Then she said “I always told you God would get even with you for what you put me through.”

So true. I sometimes want to call my mom and thank her for being such a good mother to my siblings and I. Because sometimes I just have no more patience for kids, lol!!! Terrible twos!!! Lol. And still no crawling yet. But Avery has now taken a step without holding onto anything. I just keep trying to encourage her to do the cross pattern crawling.