things moms wish dads would know or do

hi there dads

you always want to know what we would like you to do and you always want to seek our approval (we know you do).
so us moms will post what we want out of our childrens fathers and this will make you a super dad.

  1. please change a diaper now and then
  2. please make flashcards or buy little reader to save us time.
  3. please bring us roses so that we feel like women now and then and not like we are your mother.
  4. please try to remember the milk
  5. please surprise us with new info on child development
  6. please help out with reading program

willingly to get up and attend to the baby when the baby cries in the middle of the nite

have a good knowledge of food nutrients.Learn what good food can be fed to the children instead of loading them with sweets/fried food.Never bribe children with sweets.

Ask to take care of baby so mom can have some “Me” time

Playing with the child. Have some time teaching, do something fun with him/her. Take them to the park.

To have a common discipline styles and dad to stand on the same side with mum. Dad always tend to act like advocate when mum is doing the discipline. This will confuse and send wrong messages to the child he can dont listen to mum

To be understanding, as she understands him.
To kiss her and hug her each time he comes back home from work.
To give her a smile from time to time, and take her as she is. If there’s something dad doesn’t like about mum, especially after child’s birth, dad should let her know and accept the way things are. Even if we want to change someone, atitude is everything. In time, dad might see that mum has changed, without him knowing it.
Mum and Dad can make a great team, and respect each other - this is the example we can give to the kids.
