There are also Arabic, French, Spanish and Japanese Sesame Street DVDs

There are also Arabic, French, Spanish and Japanese Sesame Street DVDs available on Zulily for $9.99 for the next few days.

Type in your language of choice in the search box. If you are too late and they are no longer available try the site they got them from Oznoz, regular price is $14.99 but you could buy a digital copy to view on their site for only $4.99. I did wish I had known it was for viewing only on their site (and not a digital copy on your hard drive) before I bought it. I do prefer DVDs.

Des anyone have these? Do they translate the English or is it an actual language version. For example in a Japanese sesame street do you get a letter a or a kanji…na. This probably doesn’t matter as much with spanish perhaps?

I ordered a Chinese?French digital copy from the Oznoz website. I didn’t know that it was for viewing only on their website though. It is just a foreign language translation of Sesame Street DVDs already in existence. So if any words are shown on screen they would be in english.

Thank you. Probably not what we need then. Appreciate your help :slight_smile: