The Mother at the Swings

Here is an article that I really like. The mother in the story graciously explains her son SN’s to a stranger

Wonderful read. Thank you for sharing.

I must admit that it brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for sharing it.


Thank you for sharing! What an important insight for all of us! K2U!

Thanks for sharing. That was really sweet. I’ve also been at different time, a mother at the swing!

Thanks for sharing

Beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Such a touching story. In many ways, we parents that are involved in early education are in the same position. I know that the way I speak to my children and would sign to my babies and point out every word for them to read is not typical of many parents. I really enjoyed this article. It was so well written.

Very good story. I will say being a mom to a child with special needs I always feel perplexed. You have some people who don’t mind you asking about your child’s differences. Then you have parents who feel that if you ask, or don’t ask they get offended. So your in a no win situation as well.
To me, awareness is what educates people to be more compassionate. But that’s just me.

I’m glad everyone liked it. It is a favorite of mine. I found it a few years ago, then couldn’t find it again. I was glad to stumble upon it again the other day. I love her perspective & always appreciate it when I get a chance to talk to “the lady at the swings”. It is a great way for others to learn about our children.

Totally OT now, but if I am reading Tracy’s info correctly on her comment above, her daughter Maggie is 5 today! :smiley:

Very touching, thank you so much for sharing! <3

Tracy, congratulations from us, at BrillKids!!! And Happy Birthday, Maggie!

Thank you everyone! Yes, today is Maggie’s birthday. My wonderfully special little girl has turned 5 today. I can’t believe how quick time has flown by. I have to stop and remind myself to enjoy every moment of every day because time stops for no one!