The journey to Anzan

Edit* Nee1 found an error I meant 1,000 hours of practice not 10,000. Friends don’t let friends do math at 4 AM.

Hey Chris,

In my opinion, her level in the video is withen the reach of adults. I would estimate that it would take about 10,000 hours of practice to reach that level. It’s a rough estimate I get from my own experiences. So, for an adult to reach her level in a year I would assume about the same amount of time is necessary. In a year, I would guess if a dedicated, motivated and well coached adult would need 3-4 hours of practice a day. (10,000 / 365 = 2.734 and I’m adding in an extra hour for the drop in neural plasticity)

But honestly, I’ve never done anything that intense for that long of a period. I feel like I’m guessing more than giving you an answer from my experience.

Please take it for what it is.

Nadia> I think you hit the nail on the head. She is probably one of the few kids who can keep their motivation up for such extended amounts of time. And her parents are very dedicated to her progress. I think if you want the best possible results from any student, those 2 are the more important factors in their education.


Hi Tom,
Thank you for your reply.

10,000 hours /365 days = 27.40 27 hours and 24 minutes is a very long day!

At 2 hours and 42 minutes a day it would take 10 years to reach 10,000 hours of practice.


Hey Chris,

Nee beat you to it, check the edit at the top.


Hey Tom,

Perhaps I should be concentrating on my reading skills!

An hour a day is probably the upper limit for most young children, provided it is chunked into short manageable sessions. This would enable them to do 1000 hours in around 3 years.

This link generates practice sheets
Completing these practice sheets is surprisingly relaxing.


Wow! 1000 hours and that good! I can’t even imagine how amazing you will be after 10000 hours.