The Gift of Manners: A Parent's Guide to Raising Respectful, Kind, Considerate

Dear All,

Below are resources to help teach manners to children. I especially like the The Gift of Good Manners: A Parent’s Guide to Raising Respectful, Kind, Considerate Children because it is arranged by age and stage of development from 0 - 18.

Ayesha :slight_smile:

Thanks for that.

We always make sure Felicity asks ‘nicely’ when she wants us to do things for her, and to always say ‘thank you’.

What else do you all do for manners etc.?

Right now, we ask Gabriel to sign please when he wants something. He will also sign thank you but not as much. He knows that please will always get him something lol

We are also teaching him to “be nice” to us, the cat, his toys etc.

Me parece muy importante enseñarle al niño buenos modales, y es mejor cuando sonchiquitos ya que es facil convertirlo en un habito. Por mi parte, cuando mi hija tenia 4 meses le mostraba unas posters de modales, bien lindo, por ejemplo mostraba a un ninos compartiendo sus juguetes y abajo del dibujo decia “es bueno compartir”, , o decir por favor y gracias al pedir algo, etc.
Para pedir por favor, mi hija aplaudia dos veces y para decir gracias se llevaba la palma de la mano contra la comisura de la boca y despues la sacaba. Esto lo aprendio cuando tenia 9 meses y me resulto muy util porque cuando queria algo siempre aplaudia dos veces y me lo señalaba. Tambien le enseño a cuidar bien los juguetes (no tirarlos, morderlos,etc), libros, animales. Le enseño a pedir perdon y a ayudar a los demas, demostrar aprecio por otros, saludar, comer bien, limpiarse la boca, sentarse correctamente a la mesa, entre otras cosas.

Dear All,

I took the liberty to translate Virginia’s post using:

Translation: Spanish » English

Me parece muy importante enseñarle al niño buenos modales, y es mejor cuando sonchiquitos ya que es facil convertirlo en un habito. Por mi parte, cuando mi hija tenia 4 meses le mostraba unas posters de modales, bien lindo, por ejemplo mostraba a un ninos compartiendo sus juguetes y abajo del dibujo decia “es bueno compartir”, , o decir por favor y gracias al pedir algo, etc. Para pedir por favor, mi hija aplaudia dos veces y para decir gracias se llevaba la palma de la mano contra la comisura de la boca y despues la sacaba. Esto lo aprendio cuando tenia 9 meses y me resulto muy util porque cuando queria algo siempre aplaudia dos veces y me lo señalaba. Tambien le enseño a cuidar bien los juguetes (no tirarlos, morderlos,etc), libros, animales. Le enseño a pedir perdon y a ayudar a los demas, demostrar aprecio por otros, saludar, comer bien, limpiarse la boca, sentarse correctamente a la mesa, entre otras cosas.

It seems very important to teach children good manners, and is best when sonchiquitos because it is easy to become a habit. For my part, when my daughter was 4 months posters showed him some manners, or cute, for example showing a child sharing his toys and below the picture said “sharing is good”, or say please and thank you to ask for something etc…

To order please, my daughter clapped twice and say thanks for being the palms against the commissure of the mouth and then being pulled. This I learned when I was 9 months and is very useful because I wanted something where if I clapped twice and stating rioja. Also taught to take good care toys (no throwing, biting, etc.), books, animals. Taught him to ask forgiveness and helping others, showing appreciation for others, greet, eat good, clean mouth, sit properly at the table, among other things.

  • Ayesha :slight_smile:

Yes, its very important to have children learn about manner. Thats the most fundamental behavior a child must have as it all explain your upbringing. I have seen a toddler behaving extremely badly in public with mum not doing anything about it. Yeap…its that bad - with screams and pulling mum’s hair. Bottom line: you will eventually need if you dont start from young

was wondering how hard it is to teach children nowthese days…Children have now grown up differently. Imagine n the past hw mum cope…

Dear All,

I have watched Super Nanny, which is based on child psychology/behavior and knowing how to communicate with children. Children behave in way that parents allow them to behave. Since children do not come with instructional manuals!, most parents, understandably have not had any exposure to the principles taught in child psychology, communication and behavior principles to bring out the best in their children and unintentionally create the bad behaviors that they are trying to defeat.

Two additional books that are easy to read and implement are:

Good Behavior Made Easy (from 0 - 12) by Dr. Stephen Garber (psychologist/behaviorist)
Focuses mostly on positive reinforecement - available as preowned book from

SOS! Help for Parents by Dr. Lynn Clark (clinical child psychologist)
Focuses mostly on how to use time-out effectively

There are additional resources for teaching children emotional intelligience and communicating with children here:

Happy Teaching!
Ayesha :wink:

you are right. Children pick up whatever adults say. My grandma use to swear words at my grandpa. She eventually stop after my niece pick it up and swear back to her!!!

:yes: children learn very fast. They will pick up the bad ones faster than the good ones, especially from tvs, adults They will do it again and again despite being told swearings are not good. But they simply wont understand in what way it is bad for them since even adult swears!!