The Flu Shot. This is scary

I got this link in an email from generation rescue. Its a site that is avocated by Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carry supporting finding a cure for autism.
The clip from the 70’s regarding the Swine Flu vaccine just floored me.
Not trying to start a debate just relaying some info I fell into.

Oh My! That’s so sad!

I myself have decided not to get my child vaccinated for the swine flu. Here in Oklahoma, the swine flu is wide spread. At work, I get exposed to the flu everyday. I see dozens of positive flu come through ER, and most of them are from children under the age of 13. It is scary. When I come home from work, I take a shower hoping that it would prevent my child from contracting it. It’s a risk, but I dont want my child to be a guinea pig to this hurried vaccine for the new strain of swine flu virus.

Wow, that was horrible to watch. My heart is broken for that girl and anyone else that suffers any side effects from a supposedly safe vaccination. One in a million is too much in my opinion. How do you know when you or your children go for a vaccination that you will not be one of those that suffer from side effects? It sure makes you think.

Oh i know when you think one in a million and the world population is what now 5-6billion, thats alot of chance. My son has vaccine caused autism(i don’t care what anyone says I just know this is the cause) and after seeing that video, my child will never get a flu shot and any future children will only receive vaccines once they are 6 and there brain is almost 90% developed, and even then I will be selecting what vaccines he gets. And when they are older and want to travel to countries where they are more they can get them then.
But this my opinion and I will not force it on others or judge others if they choose to vaccinate. I just wish I had thought twice :frowning:

My brother made contact with a man who was in prison because of child abuse. They said his child had shaken baby syndrome. The baby died and he never shook his baby. It was because of a routine vaccination. Life is so precious. Knowing of cases like this you have to ask yourself is it worth the risk when it comes to your own children. Then there is the whole other issue of vaccinations being a billion dollar business. Do you trust your instincts as a parent or the companies that are making a gazillion dollars selling us these vaccines when they tell us they are safe.

Many years ago I watched a Dateline special about a man who went to a party and held a baby there. He did not know that the baby had just received an oral polio vaccine. A few days later he could not walk and came down with polio. It has affected his whole life. Now what are the chances that he would have contracted polio is he had not come in contact with that baby?