The Drugging of Our Children

I was reading stuff by Dr Linda Sonna (psychologist and author of "early-start potty training’') and noticed the following comment on her biography:
``Before medicating your child for ADHD or depression, see the documentary at Then read my Parent’s Guide to ADHD to find other ways to help your child. ‘’

I got curious and checked out the link. Very interesting and informative documentary, though a bit sad about how kids are getting diagnosed with ADHD (and being placed on mind-numbing Ritalin) just for being kids.

Watch and learn.

Just thought I’d share.

Shocking, absolutely shocking documentary. Parents being put in jail because they refused to medicate their kids. Documentary listed some kids who had died from Ritalin medications for Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD or ADHD). One of them was Shaina Dunkle. I googled her up and found this story by her mum (very sad indeed):

Most of the drugs, according to the doctors and parents, triggered violence or extreme depression in the kids. Eric Harris, one of the perpetrators of the Columbine massacre, had been on one of these medicating drugs, says one of the doctors who saw the autopsy data.

Documentary lists alternatives to putting kids on these medicating drugs - check on diet, check on sleep, check on allergies, anger, poor nutrition, etc. Check for junk food, sugar, etc. And most importantly, check for too much TV. These factors, according to those doctors, pychologists, and teachers, do affect a child’s behaviour and attention.

Some of these kids have issues from T.V., food, sleep, etc. But boys are the most diagnosed…and ususally it is just a boy being a boy. They are bored in school and need and outlet for their energy there is nothing wrong with them, but we have dumbed down academic material so we aren’t engaging their minds and then are shocked when they get antsy.

In the US, if the school decides that your child needs medication and you refuse, it is child abuse for failure to provide necessary medical treatment. If they push it, the state can take away your children…that will depend on the state but for most states it is true.

Oh dear, did you see that mum that ended up in jail because she refused to get her kid medicated? And up till now she is yet to know where her kid had been taken to. I was absolutely shocked such a thing could ever happen. When did the state (or schools) become responsible for our kids and what medications we give them? We gave birth to them, and we own them, not the state.