The Best Curriculum-Based Program for Toddlers - Jones Geniuses Matrix Math

Hi There,

We heard a lot of very positive feedback about Jones Geniuses Matrix Math program.

This program was developed by Dr. Miles Jones for 2-6yr olds.

However, when we recently tried to find more information about this program or purchase it, the website ( ) seems to be offline. We emailed Dr. Jones and the email bounced.

Does anyone know if this program is still being sold?

Thanks in advance!

LG’s Parents

It looks like the site has been infected with a virus and i wouldn’t go there. I am sure Dr. Jones is working on it. I would find it hard to believe he is out of business. Give it a couple days and check back.

We used Matrix math and now math 3 as part of our math program for our soon to be three year old. You will find quite a bit about the program here at BK, and both Dr. Jones and Chis are BK members…so you can also send them an email through the BK forum!
I am including a link to a thread where both Dr. Jones and Chris chimed in so that you can more easily send them PMs :

Also, another great thread with some info on JG and other math programs easily adaptable for toddlers and young children:

Keri - how do you combine the JG approach with your other maths methods (e.g. RS, singapore etc). I have JG math 1 and it wasn’t very successful early on but now I think it might actually work much better for us. I’d actually forgotten that I had it!! Do you find any conflict with all the different ways of approaching equations etc or do you find that the more ways she learns, the better understanding of maths overall?

We do a variety of methods with math also.

I started with subtitizing, ala RS method. Once James was competent at subtitizing and grouping fives we moved onto more traditional hands on methods of teaching math by laying out manipulatives. Like 5 Cheerios and 3 Cheerios. Then we would subtract and add them many times. We never went above a sum of 10 because I wanted James to learn place value from the start.
Once James could competently add and subtract with manipulatives, we moved onto using base ten unifix cubes, to do place value. I taught him to count to 20 using the RS math way. And he has no issues manipulating the abacus to do sums.
Then we moved onto the JG method. I taught him the common counting method to 20 backwards and forwards. Then introduced the dot matrix and he is flying with it.
I then taught him to count to 100 by 10s. I never taught him all the numbers in between. But he is able to figure them all out. We are driving through a city the other day and the streets are numbered. He starts yelling out 26, 27, 28, 29, three-Ty! Once corrected he said 31 and beyond.

Oh and recently we have worked on other things such as the number line and number bonds and James just took to them instantly. To him I think they are fun and refreshing.