Thanks for this forum

Hi. My name is Tiffany and I’m Jeremiahs mommy. I am 28 and he is 12 weeks today. He’s also my first born.

So glad you found us! Welcome to this lovely forum, we are happy to have you here. :slight_smile: Have you checked out any of the BrillKids free trials (upper right red tabr) or free downloads yet (gray bar above)? They are both a great place to start!

Keep teaching and keep posting, you will be amazed at what your little one can do 8)

Welcome to this wonderful forum. I joined in 2008 and I never left.

It is wonderful to have you here and we look forward to hearing Jeremiah’s journey in Early Learning.


Welcome, it’s a great place!

We are glad you are here. You are here at the perfect time. I was not so blessed to know all of this with my first 4 kids. I wish I had.