Text pointing - proper form?

Here is a quote from a recent BrillKids newsletter:

“Inconsistent and explicit text pointing [when reading to a child] disturbs the attention of a child, it interrupts the cadence of the language, and it ends up making reading more confusing for a child – and a lot less fun… You need to make text pointing a consistent, accurate but unobtrusive habit.”

Which begs the question - what is proper text pointing etiquette?

I’ve been trying to do it, but often my hand gets in the way of the images, and my boy doesn’t really follow my finger.
He’s a good listener and often recalls which words complete the sentence on a page, but he’s not so motivated to sound out words…


Well… I only point at books we’ve read at least once already, and limit it to books with one or two sentences, with big characters. I use a regular speed to read the stories, so I point quickly.
It’s even more important now that she’s learning books ‘by heart’ and I find her pointing while pretending to read them. It’s cute to watch, and I’m sure it helps heaps with sight reading.