
E got her first teeth when she was 6 monthy. teething dose not make very much different to her. she gets two teeth every time. but this time it appeared four teeth and every thing changed so much. she dont want eat or drink
anything. fever is very high. there was bleeding on the gum for quite some time. she loose her weight cause she dose not intake anything other than brest milk for a week.i went to the doctor and they give something to apply on her gum but that dosnt help much :frowning: did anyone face such problem and how do you do to help your little one

Sorry about your little one. I hope things get better soon for her.

My son is only 5 months so we have yet to go through the teething stage, but I have heard of putting (clean) wet wash cloths in the freezer and then letting her gnaw on them.
If you have a mesh feeder, you could put a cold, refrigerated piece of banana or other soft fruit in it for her as well.

Best wishes to you and her :blush:

shame man

teething can be a rough time for a baby.
try frozen apple juice on a stick.
dont stress if she isnt eating as its probably sore.
my son just wanted milk so i didnt stress him further.
just remember that it is a natural part of life and will soon get better

Dear Rixu & All,

Aweee - poor little one. My girls also had loss of appetite when they were teething, because their gums were sore. And one the girls had a blood blister form right before the tooth broke through ( a several hours or so before the tooth broke through the surface). I had never seen anything like it with my two grandchildren that I helped raise from birth to 6 and 4, or twin her sister. So we called the dentist and he assured it was normal. And as soon as the tooth came through, it was fine and she started eating again.

Just be patient and try the other techniques listed here, and your baby will be alright.

  • Ayesha

thanks for those who advice me on the topic. she is OK. now started eating but face some difficulties to feed, as she don’t like eating much

Hi rixu,

Glad to hear your little one is feeling a little better.

With my fifth child I heard about Hyland’s Teething Tablets. They are homeopathic tablets that melt in baby’s mouth, and seem to help. I had heard of it from a friend (her husband is a doctor). I don’t know if you like using things like that, but we liked it better than the stuff that numbs the gums (and tongue and lips and tastes horrid. I figured that part out after touching my mouth after rubbing some on baby’s gums :laugh: ).

I hope her appetite returns soon! :slight_smile:

I gave both my babies the teething tablets and I also gave them Ibuprofen for the pain. They would eat better once the pain medicine kicked in.

Rubbing gently with the white part of lemon peel helps. A cold carrot was my kids favorite teething “toy”. And a baby toothbrush.

its quite normal that babies feel that way and almost all of thenm woukld have same reactions… but whats important is your there to comfort them, hugging them and kissing them… its the best medicine any mom have…

my pedia prescribes paracetamol for the fever and pain… and i used oleia, its an edible oil that heals any kind of inflamation…

Thanks for all of the ideas. K is almost 9 months and still no sign of teeth. When they do come I have got some great ideas from your post :slight_smile:

poor little babies have to suffer from this paniful teathing!!!
u can let her bite on a carrot but be around her
i just want to remind you to brush her teath daily start from now if you didnt .

Hi my daughter got her first two teeth a day before she was 5 months old. At 11 months of age she had 9 teeth and now at 12 months she has 16. 8 top and 8 bottom. She only has last 4 molars to get. This has been the hardest time for her. I was just wondering how many other parents out there have had babies with almost all their teeth at this age. Also how many teeth did they get at once? and how did your baby deal with it? Cheers. :slight_smile:

i would give my son popsicels they seemed to help numb his gums even if just for a short while!