My almost 1 year old baby loves to tear up books/magazines/papers into small pieces and eats them even when I’m reading to her. There are not many flaps left in her lift-the-flap books. She also chews her board books. Telling her “no†doesn’t work and she protests when I take the books away?
I think most babies do this and I’ve been told that it is a phase that will pass. Meanwhile, what can I do for damage control besides giving her fabric books?
While I’m reading to my little one, I give him a plastic book to play with or give him the junk mail to ‘play’ with (this play includes ripping and putting the paper in his mouth). I have also gone to a bargin shop and pick up a few board books. They still go in the mouth, but I don’t mind as they aren’t the good books. Board books are also a good way to teach him how to turn pages, and after about 2 months of use the board books are still going strong.
Sophia is the same she loves to tear up paper, books anything really. I now read her board books with no flaps that she can not rip. I also put something in her hands so i can read to her!
my chid never tear up his books. he really love books, he enjoy turning the pages lol
i think he explores that way.if he is tearing the books i will give baby cloth books …
Hi my daughter was the same but i found that once i started flash cards and slideshows teaching her to read, she started taking more interest in the books. Now when i put her on the floor with her toys she will go straight to the books and sit there for ages just turning the pages and pointing at the pictures and words. I dont know if this is just a coincidence or not, maybe she has just gotten older, although she still puts everything else in her mouth.
I made her, her own books before when she was eating them, by laminating the pages and then tying the pages together with very short ribbon. I put words and pictures of familiar things on the pages before hand and she loved them.
Also, I memorize the books (like Dr. Suess) and let him play with it while i recite it. For whatever reason, this helps, he is already in the phase where he wants to do things himself and he won’t let me hold a book, turn the pages and show him the words and pictures. He has to do it himself. I figure soon enough he will let me hold the book, and will look at the words/pictures as the words are already familiar to him.