Teaching Your Child Chess

Hi, I just wanted to share a step by step program to teaching your child how to play chess from the age of 3.

I have taught both my children from 3 years old how to play chess and have also videoed the lessons from the start to the end where you can see them learning the basics right up to playing a full game with all the pieces. There are 12 lessons which are very short and lots of fun.

The video lessons and teaching books are available from www.learnlots.co.uk and more teaching materials will also be available soon.

Please check it out and let me know what you think.

Sherie x

Thanks for sharing! I need this. My girls play chess all the time and my son " wants" to play too but they get so frustrated when he doesn’t get it right and then he gets frustrated. I shall check it out. Thanks!

Yes, thank you for sharing! I have managed to teach my 5-year-old how to set up the board and how the pieces move, but he has yet to sit through a game the opening moves. There’s something missing in the way I taught it, I just don’t know what I’m doing. Your program looks perfect. :slight_smile:

We love no stress chess, my some has been playing since late 3’s/early 4’s with it.

I want to give a shout out for this chess program. Sherie has done a great job! There is a 48-page instruction manual with bit cards and printouts to make hats so the children can pretend they are the pieces. It’s a well-organized book- easy on the eyes and perfect for small children. Then there is a 24-page workbook and a video. My children have been captivated by them. We love the British accent too. :slight_smile:

I’ll give another update in a few weeks. For now we are just excited to get started.

Will be looking forward to hearing an update. Teaching my son chess is one of those things that I would love to do and he has had a few games with his father but that is it. I can’t play at all so I need all the help that I can get.

Thank you for starting this topic. I’ve been thinking and searching for a while to find the way to teach my 4 yr old son to play chess. I’ve just ordered no stress chess and found an app called DinosaurChess. I love it and my son loves it too. it has little lessons about the pieces and you can play right away choosing your level. After we learn something new we usually go get daddy’s chess game and try to use it. So far works great.

Once you have Chess covered then teach them to play scrabble.
My sister taught my kids to play scrabble over Christmas and they loved it. It’s a good idea to have an adult playing too to ensure the bigger words get put out but they did a mightily fine job of it with little help. I must say I was surprised. :biggrin:

My son loved Monopoly at about 4 (quite eaily able to beat me :tongue: ). Makes me wonder whether we should get something that teaches money/investing/debt etc… better. Any ideas??? I know Rich Dad, Poor Dad has his cash flow game but we would need to generate a bit more cash flow to be able to invest in that but I have considered it lol

I do think there is something about chess though and being able to see the moves in your head and predict your partner’s moves etc…


I noticed the pricing was in GPB. I’m going to assume that is the British pound. has anyone in the U.S. purchased this? If so, were the videos downloadable to your computer for later viewing?


I was wondering tha same thing???

Judit Polgar just released a chess teaching app called ‘Judit Polgar’s Chess Playground’. I believe it’s the best chess app for younger kids, lots of videos and exercises.
It’s going for 2.99 at the appstore so a good price for those who didnt have USD50 to spend on Sherie’s program.


I’m in the US. Yes, the videos are a download- you have to download them before you can watch them.


Please let us know what you think. Do the videos have the ability to keep the childs attention? Do the videos seem to be thorough as far as chess rules, tactics, and strategy are concerned?
Are the videos high quality? how is the sound quality? Would you buy it again?

Thank you in advance,


I’m working on a full review blog post right which will be done soon, but the quick answer is that the videos themselves are designed for the parent and consist of Sherie teaching her 3-year-old how to play chess. Yes, they are high quality. Sherie’s program is a for beginners, and it is thorough. This is part I and it ends with her daughter’s first full game of chess. She’s working on a part II that will teach castling and more advanced play. Full disclosure: I actually traded my music e-books and a blog review for this product, so I didn’t actually buy it. But I would have, and I will purchase part II when it comes out!

Here is why Sherie’s program was/is so appealing to me. I started teaching my son chess two years ago. (http://www.professional-mothering.com/2011/01/chess-for-preschoolers.html). With the help of some of the free videos on www.chesskid.com, I did teach him how to set up the board and how the pieces move. It didn’t take that long. But I struggled to “put all the pieces together” so to speak to actually play a game. I don’t know if an app would help with that either. Maybe it would, I’ll check it out as well. I dropped it and have tried to pick it up again a few times but I haven’t made it a priority. Chess is a big deal for my brothers and I see a lot of benefit in chess because after you know the basics there is so much depth to the game. But I need my kids to play a whole game first! I can see that with Sherie’s program we will be able to accomplish that.

One thing Sherie does that I haven’t done is let my kids win. Not only that, she helps her daughter with strategies during game play. Her daughter beamed when she won, she had her first taste of success. In her final notes she says that part II will delve more into strategy and how to become truly advanced for their age. But she has a good point when she says that a 3-year-old that can play a game of chess at all is an advanced player for their age and I see her point. Soon enough they can learn how to loose, but if they have tasted success first they will want to come back for more. Looking at the full board with all of the pieces for the first time can be quite intimidating so I think letting them win a few times will make it less scary. The workbook pages are really great. They consist of a coloring page for each piece, counting activities (how many of these pieces are pawns?), and advance to a chess board with a few questions like “draw a circle around the two pawns that can take out the white rook”. The e-books came first (the manual and the workbook), and the video was made later to help parents through the process, to witness that it can be done, and show them how easy it is to do.

So I give it two thumbs up, 5 stars, what have you. This product is perfect for where we are and fills in the holes I had in my own approach. We’re starting school on Monday and I plan on teaching my 3 and 5 year-olds. It’s a 12 week program, so I’ll give another update then. It may be awhile before my children are playing each other but by the end of summer I hope they will be able to do that. :slight_smile:

Thanks for your thoughts Tamsyn!

I have been thinking about getting this and now I think I will. I wish they had the 25% off still, I will watch their sight for another sale, little man will be 3 in August so I can wait for hos birthday.


There isn’t much here that I haven’t said already, but here’s a fuller review: http://www.professional-mothering.com/2013/01/review-teach-kids-chess.html

We got a board game called “No stress Chess” when we found out that the school my son goes to was going to start a chess club. He started playing at age 7. He has done really well with it. The cards that come with the chess board explain how to move the pieces. I decided that I would teach my daughter to play chess, she’s six and it was well funny and disastrous! She could care how the pieces move! She just wants to WIN! So I’ve come to the conclusion that she isn’t quite ready to learn to play chess. So with the “No Stress chess” game we are 50/50.

Today chess game craze is very high. Everyone tries to teach chess. So at that moment you can share most important and fantastic information. The chess game is mind developing game. So this game is very useful to children, because this game through children enjoy its self and developing their minds.

i found about chessology few weeks ago from a friend , you can read a review here : http://craftknife.blogspot.com/2013/07/chess-classes-from-chessology-will.html , there is 50% discount for life when you enroll now .I know in some parts of the world chess is becoming part of the curriculum . i never learned how to play the game . i know how to move the pieces but i cannot really play a game . i managed to teach my little ones basic chess with non stress chess which we love it but i don’t know how we can progress more . they need to play with somebody who can play and be challenged that is why i found the online course good idea .would like to hear others with more chess knowledge , opinions on this . could it be good learning opportunity ??