Teaching very little baby - please advise

Hi everyone, I would like to know your opinions about teaching very little baby to read.

If I follow method of Glen Doman, I would show a baby only words for teaching reading and only pictures for teaching encyclopedic knowledge. I am thinking about using flashing pictures followed by words (or vice versa??) for teaching 4 month old baby…
Also Doman recommends to teach basic most favorable and known 50-75 words to a baby and then proceed to couplets and sentences using these words. He also recommends using categories and teach realated words together (do not mix several categories).
There is a great LR curriculum with also videos for multisensory sessions… I am definitely going to use LR to teach but I am wandering what methods, playbacks etc. I should use to start teaching my baby after she reaches 4 months. I am also considering how to implement teaching reading English next to Czech which is her native language.

Any advice would be appreciated!!! Thank you. Martina

I started with my son at three months old. I did not use Doman’s reading but I did use the math and encyclopedic knowledge. I used your baby can read for his reading program. I think whatever you decide to do you must be very consistent in order to see real benefit. Also do not give up because you don’t see as much as you would like right away. I think if you want to do reading and encyclopedic knowledge all at the same time it is fine as long as you are consistent. The way I did it is I had a schedule and followed it very closely. My 18 month old has been reading since he was one. He does recognize quantity and some numbers. I am know about to start the LR and LM program to help increase his knowledge.

I hope this helps.

I have a question now that I read your question… The LR software- is it just a base program for you to use with a method of choice? ex LR with the doman, or your baby can read methods… Or does LR give you a method and explain how to go through the process of teaching as the baby grows from 3 months and on…?


Brittany, I would recommend taking the free trial and seeing for yourself. Make sure you take the Beginner’s Guide which will lead you through what you need to know and do.

Okay great, thnkyou

i don’t know if this is any help but i have found it hard to know that your child has a reading vocabulary and is ready to move on to couplets when you are not supposed to test them and when you do they, supposedly, know and won’t answer correctly. which just leaves you flashing in the dark so to speak. any ideas from the more experienced parents on how to gauge knowledge?