teaching portuguese / Brasil

Helo every body, how are you???
I decided to start 2010 with my rigth foot. I am teaching my babies portuguese and english, and I will love to teach others languages to, but for that I need material, specialy sound. I speak only a little bit of spanish, but anyway, I will like to share my material and also know who is teaching portuguese. As many people anser and share material and transtation from the curriculum, as glad I will be to help with the portuguese.
Tanks every body and have a wonderful 2010 teaching your kids.
Sorry for my english, I’m steel learning.


Hello Deisi

I´m from Brazil and I can help you with some material on slides, send me your e-mail that I send them to you. Good luck!



I’m also teaching my son Portuguese, i’ve been looking for materials and books to help out but i’m not so sure where to start. Anyone know where i could get some great material? I find myself speaking both English and Portuguese since my English is better, i don’t think it’s ideal but it works for me. Any tips would be appreciated?

Thank you!!

I believe there’s quite a bit of Portuguese stuff even for kiddies on Youtube. Cant read Portueguese so cant direct you to the right spots, but it’s there!!

And Bilingual baby from Brainy Baby has a portuguese dvd/video, as well as the same in other languages including English.

I know this topic is old, but if it can help someone subscribed here, I can say that the most popular musics for kids today in Brazil is Galinha Pintadinha and Patati-Patatá

