Teaching phonics

Has anyone tried to teach baby phonics? If so, pls show me how. Thanks

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Starfall.com (ABC section). Both of my kids were addicted to it as babies.

leapfrog , letter factory and word factory…

I used hooked on phonics for my kids and it was great.

My son learnt to read at age 4 before that we hadn’t done any other form of teaching.I didn’t know anything about early education then. He knew his Alphabets but that was all. In a month, he was reading.

I started my daughter on pre K, and she learnt all her alphabets and most of her letter sounds in about 2 weeks,(at 24months) Theyre mainly songs teaching the letters and sounds. So it was a lot of fun for her watching and singing along.

I think it’s a great resource. I’ve ordered the new ones now that present the lessons in songs and stuff. There’re clips on YouTube for you to see and you could check their website. Www.hop.com. You could download the alphabet sounds from iTunes free. That was what we used with my daughter.

Someone recommended starfall.com Its great too.


Welcome to BrillKids! If you use the search option (upper right on the grey menu bar) and type in “teach phonics” you’ll get a multitude of threads on this topic to peruse through. You’ll find a wealth of information there. Enjoy! :slight_smile:

You can also try the free flashcards (which I made) at http://www.larrysanger.org/reading.html and which I’m making into a free online tutorial, demo at http://watchknowreader.busedge.com/

Youtube also has a lot of video that teach the letter and their sounds via songs.

I taught my DD phonics like this: 12 months of age started whole word reading using flashcards and brillkids.

18 months of age: taught letter sounds with flashcards

2 years: reinforced letter sounds using starfall.com - she had known only the letter sounds up til then with small letters - now learnt capitals and also the letter names

2.5 years: started blending by saying the letter sounds for her and then giving her the word - I never asked her what it said, just did it for her, basic phonics done, we did a little reading eggs too

2.7 years: she started blending herself though I was still reading the sounds to her, she could then tell me what the word said

3 years: started teaching combinations (ee, ie, ai etc) - I used words she already knew as whole words and wrote them on a page with the letter combination at the top, we blended as before with me reading the sounds and her saying the words (t - r - ai - n she said train) and then did the same with new words she hadn’t seen before - I told her a story (which I made up) with the words pointing to them and getting her to read them as they came up in the story.

3.5 years: I now only teach her in the books she is reading just blending any words she doesn’t know as before and introducing any rules she doesn’t know with the word - we follow up with it if I feel she needs it but very often she shows she knows it later anyway by reading other words correctly.

Good Afternoon.

When I taught my children to read Qur’anic (classical) Arabic, with a famous reader known as al-Qai’dah al-Nooraneeyah, it uses a phonics based method, because of the nature of the language.

I taught them to read English using YBCR and the Doman method before they began a Montessori Pre-School last year, and they learned some phonics there. I also used Starfall.com until I was able to begin using this program recently:


Because they already understand the concept of phonics from learning Arabic, they are learning one lesson per day (instead of the 3 lessons per week as recommended) and are currently on lesson 12 of 42. They are easily figuring out the little books that come with it. I hope to be done with the entire program right before their Pre-K 2 class begins in the fall.