Teaching my 4 year old to read-Need help!

I need some help with teaching my 4 year old daughter to read. She does not attend anykind of school but she does know her ABC’s and what sound each lettter makes. She knows a few sight words but when I show her a beginning BOB book she cannot seem to understand the sounds all together make a word. I am not sure what to do next and would really appreciate any advice. She is extremely smart and picks things up quickly.

My first daughter took forever to catch on to blending, too! (My second picked it up before she even knew all the letter sounds; I guess it just depends on the kid.) The number one thing that helped was Reading Bear, www.readingbear.org. it shows how to sound out words very slowly and then faster and faster. I love it. And it’s free!

When I started teaching blending, we didn’t have the internet at home, so I couldn’t use Reading Bear. I worked backwards by saying words and then drawing out the sound and getting her to spell them. We’re used refrigerator magnets. I would say “Cat. What’s the first sound in cccccccat?” And she’d pick out the c. (I only presented her with about six letters at a time.) “Great! What’s next in caaaaaaaat?” And so on. Starfall.com (the free part) uses this method if you prefer to be on the computer.

I hope one of those helps! I know it’s frustrating to KNOW your child is capable of the next step but not be able to get her there. Hang in there and good luck!

I followed “Teach your child in 100 easy lessons” one lesson a day. My daughter is almost 5 and she can read level 1 books. May be you can give it a try.


Hey! Here are a few idea. I hope it helps.

*Alpha- Phonics is a really good book

*Word families: Ex: at, cat, hat, bat, sat. (may help out with identifying/sounding out new but similar words)

*Dolch sight words: Make sure she knows all of them. (These are some of the most common words found in books especially children books)

*Flash cards: 1st Select 5 - 10 words. 2nd Go over these words for a week 3-5 times every day. Once the week is over select a new set of words & repeat. At the end of each week you can do a review. (This takes less then 5 min a day and can be done any where)

*Make your own mini stories: 1st Get a peice of paper. 2nd On each line write a sentence changing one or two words on every row. (Ex: The dog is big. The cat is small. The bear is big. The mouse is small.) 3rd Read it together for a few days then once she gets the hang of it let her read it to you on her own.

Hi momof3a,
how is it going with your teaching reading? Great advice from everybody here :slight_smile:
I was thinking, her being 4 might give you the opportunity to use an approach of teaching writing and reading together sort of montessori style. But I see the post is a month old, so by now you might have come up with your own solution. However, if you are still in need of help drop me a note!

Is there some pressing reason you seem to feel the need to teach her to read? 4 year olds do NOT have to be reading, and she is likely feeling stressed and pressured that you keep pushing it.
If she knows her letters and the sounds they make, she is more than on track. Being able to read words (and understand what she reads) is a developmental stage that she may not be cognitively ready for. No matter how ‘smart’ she is.

For now, what you need to be doing is reading TO her. Let her learn that books are fun, and stories are interesting and exciting. She will begin to read when she is ready.

(FWIW, when my daughter was young, we were sure she would be a very early reader. Both her parents read voraciously, and we have a house full of books. We read to her often from infancy, she had dozens of books of her own, and she went to preschool. But, while I DIDN’T ever push her, she seemed unable to make the leap [on her own] from knowing letters and sounds, and having a handful of sight words, to reading.

When she was 5 1/2, just a couple of months before she started kindergarten, SOMETHING clicked in her brain, and she could suddenly read. By the time she started kindergarten, she was reading simple story books, and from then on, through school, she consistently read several years ahead of grade level – and got a 750 on the verbal SAT.

Not being ‘an early reader’ didn’t hurt her one bit. And it won’t hurt your daughter either.

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Here are some tips that would help your child to read:

Just play the Leapfrog Talking Words Factory.