Teaching Music

This thread is just open inorder to gather the information about those parent’s who teach there baby
music .Say for ex
Type of the music?
How do they teach?
Which instrument they use to teach?
How they created an interest in music?
Do they send there children or infant or toddler to the music classes?

Let us discuss and help each other by sharing how to teach music to our children .So that everyone will get aware of the people who use different style and techniques for there children to teach them music.

Type of the music?

  • Typically nursery rhymes. We also let Felicity watch “Boogie Beebies” (a UK dance show by BBC), where she dances along to it. I mention it here cos she also loves singing those songs.

How do they teach?

Early prototype version of Little Musician. :tongue2:

Which instrument they use to teach?

We also have a very decent electronic keyboard/synthesizer which we got from Toys R Us at a very good price. She’s now starting to identify which is the C note, and she slams on it now and again. BTW, it’s important to get one that is touch sensitive, full size (in terms of key size), and multi-timbral (ie., if you press down on 6 notes, all 6 notes can be heard).

How they created an interest in music?

Felicity has always liked music and liked to sing. I think partly it’s cos we exposed her to a lot of music during pregnancy and in the first year especially.

Do they send there children or infant or toddler to the music classes?

Considering letting her try a piano class to see if she likes it.

Hi, I am a musician and music educator and am now starting early music education in Italy with a program called Kindermusik which is a program which is all over the States and you can begin taking your baby to a class like this as soon as she is out of the womb. There are a lot of things you can do to teach and get your baby interested.

How they created an interest in music? The best way to create an interest in music is to expose expose expose. Don’t play music for a baby while they are sleeping it then becomes something in the background. Play music during times you know they are listening. First thing in the morning, playtime, or in the car. Like everything else you are explaining to a child, talk about the music. Hum the melody or repeat a part of the song you heard with the child. Point out the rises and the falls of the music, the loud and soft, the single melodies vs the thick texture. Point out and name the instruments being played. Make a game of it. More than anything, try to sing to your child as much as possible. Babies are naturally drawn to music and more to the human voice. They love listening to someone singing songs. Notice when your child is around someone singing and their reactions. They really key into it. Sing to your child or hum even if you think you are a bad singer or uncomfortable singing. Do it anyway, your baby will love it. Sing specific songs for tasks around the house. Young babies will recognize the songs and know what to expect. For example, I started from day one singing the same bath song to my daughter and the same lullaby knowing that down the road it might be difficult to do those tasks with a toddler. Singing the bath or lullaby song helps her change her thoughts to prepare for that specific event. Sway or rock your baby to music, dance with your child to the music. This helps to establish an internal beat in your child which will help them in the future. Internal beat will help with rhythm, palying musical instruments and dancing. Bring your child to listen to live music as much as possible. You will notice you will have a lot of friends who play music. Anytime someone you know can play an instrument, ask them. They might be shy so ask them if they will play for your child while you are doing something else so it doesn’t put them on the spot. Hope this helps

Type of the music? All types of music. I support the studies on classical music. There are a lot of benifits for a child to listen to classical music. classical music has a great composition rather then pop music. However there is great pop music out there. Music does change mood so playing something like NINE INCH NAILS fot example does have an effect. In the end, play as much music as you can ethnic, cultural, pop, jazz, opera, classical, instrumental, songs for children, rhythmic, anything you can get your hands on. I have read that hard music like hard rock and heavy metal have more of a chaotic effect. But who knows, I just keep away from songs that use vulgar language and have negative messages. Nursery rhymes, poems, anything with sing songy verses is another wayof getting your child to listen.

Good to have a musician/music educator with us, Kraezykat! Your insights will be invaluable, and you gave many good tips there!
Yes, Kindermusik is quite famous. What’s a typical class like, for say, a 1 year old?

I thought Kindermusik was for older toddlers? I definately want to seng Gabriel to them when he is a little older. One of my little sisters went when she was young, and she is now 13 and plays the piano and the oboe and loves music. She is also extremely smart and seems to use her right brain. My mom thinks a lot of it comes from learning about music at such a young age.

Hi Kraezykat
I was searching Kindermusik near to my place and for that i was going through the site.What i found that it is like kind of get together for childrens where they can sing a song ,play etc.I think they are not dedicated only to teach music.Actually i dont know much about it.So can you pls guide.

Nhockaday, I think they have certain progams that start from infancy with the parent present…the toddlers get to go alone, with parents only at the end…why don’t you check their website?

I started my son off with kindermusic when he was 4 months old… moth my husband and i started my son off together with a family play class… Higly recommended btw…

I also take my son to musical performances… cirque de soile was a huge hit… and live performances…

Currently I have him in singing lessoons and he has a miniture piano, a xylophone, and a guitar which he plays with everyday, plus we have crazy dance time (set to classical fun music)

thank you for starting this thread. I always wanted my child to learn music, in fact already looking forward to Little Musicians. I didnt know we can enrol an infant in Kindermusic till i read in this forum. I only know yamaha and check that they only have programs for young toddler at 2 years old (i think) but not young infants.