Teaching multiple languages

I speak English and Portuguese fluently and I’m currently learning Hebrew. Is there any recommendations for teaching more than one language to a child so they don’t confuse them amidst themselves? Mom only speaks English. I have seen certain homes where one parent speaks one language and the other speaks another so that the baby is able to distinguish.

When I was learning Portuguese, all the German I took in high school all came bubbling to the surface. They told me to repress it so that I wouldn’t be confused.

I outlined what we’re doing in another post. (http://forum.brillkids.com/general-discussion-b5/minimum-methods-for-maximum-of-benefit/msg54331/#msg54331)

Basically one language per day with as much immersion as possible.

I don’t think there’s a right or wrong way to do it. as long as you’re consistent.

hello all:
i wanted to let you know that i’ve been using materials from a company from australia called alpha tykes. great stuff.
anyway, they claim that 4 hrs/week is the amount needed to obtain fluency.
hope that guides you and your little one in your quest language greatness!
take care,
the doc :clown: