Teaching MATH- What NEXT now?

I have a 1 year old. I started him a couple of weeks back with Doman Red Dots upto 20.
Started with 5 then added 5 more and so on until 20. I dont know if he is getting the concept.
Should I continue? If so for how long? What else is to be introduced here?

Please help

Thank you

Hi Simi,

I think you are suppose to just keep going up to 100 dots, then addition and subtraction. I think you are suppose to just trudge on and not worry about whether your kid is getting it. In the free downloads (in the menu bar), there are doman dots up to 100 in a power point presentation. I investigated doman math when I started too. My daughter was already 2 yrs old at the time. I tried it a little bit but then decided to focus on reading instead because she enjoyed reading the most. I had a hard time just plowing through the dots. Little math made it easier but still my daughter didn’t like them. There are many free math power point presentations. Maybe some would be helpful.

Good Luck, Lori

Hi, Its so difficult with Doman Math as you see fewer results. With my daughter, I went all the way up to problem solving and showing equations and about 50 cards. When I noticed that she wasn’t chosing the correct cards, I stopped. Not only problem solving, she couldn’t chose correct quantities either. Then I noticed she was doing this with reading as well, she wasn’t picking up sight words either. However, she was learning the pictures and their names as she still does. So I think a good measure is if your child is picking up sight reading then they could be picking up the Doman cards. But if they are not picking up even sight reading that they probably got their minds somewhere else :clown:

Goood luck

I’m doing Doman math with my 2 year old and we are getting closer to the problem solving step. So, I dont know what will happen- so far there is no sign that he would recognize quantities. But I’ve decided to do this method as far as I could because I think that even if there is no obvious result, it may help him later to learn math ( I was not good at all at school that’s why I want to help him). We’ll see.

I used the Doman method with my son from the time he was three months. He is now 18 months and is just starting to count from 1 - 10. I did not really feel like the program works but if you follow their suggestions yes you just trudge right through. I am going to try little math since my son loves the computer I thought he might respond better to this.

hello all:
as most of you may know, i started my DD on doman math first before the reading. we did EVERYTHING in the book before she was 18mo. i have to say that i thought it has helped with the next stage which for us is dr. jones. she has been able to count to 20 in 3 different languages and she counts things all the time. she did this before she was 20 mo. and continues to improve every day… she is now 22 mo. and when she watches leap frog math or fantastikos mathematkos (all of the videos from peter) she seems to get it. we also bought a number line and that helped as well. we also started counting backwards, but that is not coming as quickly as she only does that with prompting… part of that is my fault b/c i don’t work on that as much with her.
the addition and subtraction is coming… the number lines helps a lot with that, too.
with the dots: once i was done with everything in the doman book, i made an additional set of flashcards the same size with numerals 1-100 on them, and flashed the dots and their corresponding numeral. and i’m now starting to show her 3 dots, 3 of something else, and then the number 3. this technique seems to have worked the best.
i have always been a believer that if they can conquer the basics of math, the rest will follow. i truly believe it has helped with the reading as well. it’s funny though… she can sound out the letters in a word, but not put it together yet! i’ve backed off from sight words as i want her to KNOW how to sound out the words…
well, that is my 2¢. hope it helps!
take care,
the doc

Thanks, DRPrimo, it helped me for sure. One more question: are you teaching her 3 languages? Did you teach her to count on these 3 languages or how did it happen? Thanks again,

Thanks Doc for the feedback. That is encouraging. My daughter also is around 23 months. She counts things as well but I really think it is because I make deliberate efforts to count when we use the stairs or when I give her candy or anything else for that matter. Every child is so different. Its weird how one thing works for one and not the other.
I am curious as to what is a number line? Also, if you don’t mind me asking where do children place their Dots in Jones genius if the numbers are greater than 9?