teaching math to 3yr old

My son is 3 yrs old. I have not used any program or curriculem to teach him math. He already knows to count up to 20 and know 2D shapes and some of the 3D shapes.He can complete the pre k Comparison worksheets which i give him . I know this is not a big achivement so i am wondering to start a math program or a curricula with him
any advice or idear for me :wub: ( which program or curricula would you recommend )

We never used a program. My daughter is 3 as well. I always came up with most of the activities we did and still do. At first we did a lot of visual math. Count, add and subtract using real objects. Or pictures of objects on paper. Then when I was sure she had a concrete understanding of how that worked we moved on to #s. I made a # line. We learned how to count, add and subtract on her fingers. Now she has a real good understanding of it and can add and subtract #s 1-10 in her head. She has a good understanding of how 1-100 works even though she has never counted it all the way through. We are working on understanding multiplication now. And having great success! We also work on order, measuring, and fractions. With my younger daughter I am going to start math dots. But if that does not work out for us I’m not worried at all! My oldest is doing great in math without it!

Thanks a lot for sharing your ideas


please visit the following web site:-
i hope it is usful

I like Montessori math materials if you have the space and money.

This is not a free program but I think you might like it. It starts with K but I think would work with a 3 year old.

Let us know what you decide on. I am really curious about what you choose to go forward with. Thanks :smiley:

Thanks a lot for that page. I find it very useful, best of al because chidren learn math with games and it does not look like you are teaching them. My grandson likes a lot puzzles, domino, and all sort of games.

My daughter is 3 years 3 months old and we have also not used a programme with her and I would like to start using one, however do not feel she is quite ready yet (thanks for links so I can try some of them and see)

The one thing you need to do when teaching Maths is reevaluate every time your child cannot do something as it usually means that you have missed a step in the teaching and that there is some concept that he/she does not get yet which is needed to figure out the next step. That is why they need to be able to count usually (or at least recognise number quantity before doing addition)

With my daughter I am planning on doing more addition and starting subtraction - I like the montessori method for this. I am also starting to teach her time and measurement. Like your son she knows numbers 1-20 (both counting objects and digits) and has the concept of 100 (I think she has only ever counted to 40 though) and shapes. I also want to do some patterns with her and skip counting which we have started and then also start word problems that make sense to her. She is pretty kinaesthetic so need to use maniulatives with her a lot, but I think this is essential for all 3 year olds anyway.


I’m new to LM, and teaching early math in general. I bought LM last Fall, but my girl, Amelia, always wanted to watch LR (or YouTube) instead of LM. Today I finally downloaded some new math icons and she really likes them. She just turned 2.5 years old, so I’m not sure if I should be showing her the icons in a random pattern, or grid or both? I’d love to hear some success stories - are kids younger than 2.5 really able to subitize large quantities? Even when the patterns are random and new each time, ie not the same flash cards? Amelia immediately recognizes 0, 1, 2 or 3 items. She understands more and less with small numbers. However, when I show her piles of, say, 9 vs 10 items and ask which has more she says she doesn’t know and starts trying to count them. Does that mean she isn’t subitizing larger numbers, or just that I’m confusing her? Thanks for any advice!

I may be totally off but I think substitizing may only work with the little ones. I think there is only a small time frame in which to teach kids to substize. I may be wrong though. I still show my 4yr old the quantity cards in hopes to see if the theory could be challenged a bit. Who knows?

I mean they say its easier to teach them to read when they are younger but I’ve found my 4.5 yr old is learning to read at an amazing spead. Much quicker than say if you started when they were 3 months old. In 16 days we’ve gone from DVD 1 and 2 to 3 already from the YBCR. My daughter can read and recognize about 50 words now! In only 16 days, and she loves every moment of it. We play some type of word game every day, she’s always reading her YBCR books and we watch the videos once, maybe twice a day. Soooo, with that said .Is it possible for a child ages 2,3 or 4 to substize and learn to do it quicker? I really don’t know. I guess it would depend on the child.

At this age though, I think, that number recognition would be more important at this point.

We started doing the Jones Geniuses math curriculum and my son has taken well to it. I think he gets the concept of numbers now. Yesterday, he told me ’ zero has no dots’. The ‘dots on the numbers idea’ is really making it easier for him- he has started counting his toys etc. He also understands forward and backward counting but we still have to work on that. He knows counting to 20 and his shapes etc. We (brillkids members) get a discount on the JG kit and that helps a lot. Read some of the JG reviews on the forum, that may help you decide. There are a lot of other good ideas for math on the forum too.

Thanks everyone
How about singapore early bird math, Do you have any idea about that??

Singapore math is a very good math program. The only thing you need to do with it though is to follow through with math fact drill. Not something that is in the program and can be very easy to forget to do.
Most people use it for the elementary years , after that they usually drop it for something like Saxon math for high school due to the fact they teach differently than we do. Some find it difficult to teach after a certain level due to the unfamiliar concepts, for example like number bonds( its like fact families but differently presented).

Singapore math is good for children who like to focus on one thing at a time, think conceptually (not all children do, I’ve learned from experience with my own children), and enjoy math. The one program I enjoy a bit more is Bob Jones math (www.bjup.org) it is a Christian company but anyone can really use the math. They teach similar as Singapore does, the elementary math is awesome. It is themed and I know my oldest daughter loved that. Like for instance the K was a farm theme with Farmer Brown and Cheddar the Mouse. It made it really fun for her. Plus the teacher’s manual is WAYYYYY more user friendly than Singapore.