I speak to my daughter in Russian, my Husband speaks to her in English, we do speak English around the house as our main language; and we are planning to have her learn Chinese with LR, since Chinese is the second language for most in our extended family.
It seemed obvious to me that we will do the LM in English (we do GD method). But then I just wondering… Should I encorporate the other languages that she is learning into her Math somehow?..
I am not clear on it just yet, but was just wondering if anyone had any experiences with that? Or if I teach her math in English and then simply teach her the names of the numerals in other language later on, it would be enough. Or would I need to show her “true quantities” in dots accompanied by the names in the other two languages that she is learning.
I hope I was clear in expressing my question, and just wondering if anyine has any thoughts or experiences? (I would not want her to later on do all her math in English in her brain, and translate it to lets say Russian or Chinese, I would much rather her think math in those languages as well, when she is in situation where she is using language other then English…)