Teaching math in two languages

I started doing Doman’s math method and I would like my daughter to learn the numbers in both english and spanish. I started showing her the number and I say in english, the dots and I say it in english, I flip it again a show her the number and say it in spanish and then flip it once again show her the dots and say the number in spanish. I’m not sure if I should keep doing it like that or I should show her the whole thing first and say the numbers in english, shuffle the cards and show her the whole thing to her and say in spanish. :confused:

Anyone has done it either way? Any other ideas?

I’m using only 1 language for math at the moment, but it will be fine introduce the second one :slight_smile:

Hi there !
I have done it in five languages all at the same time. Yes you can teach your baby and believe me you will be so surprise that your baby will pick it up.
Have the words written and show all the words then introduce the dot and repeat the words without the word card but very quickly. It is really going to work make a schedule and show your baby three times daily for 10 days then take two cards and put two new ones do this for another ten days.
Then on the 21st day bring all the cards and review them all with her.
Next introduce another 5 new cards do the same way.
Remember it is very very important to review them …
Good luck !
:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:

I haven’t used the ‘doman math’ method. But I did teach my son numbers in 3 different language and he was pretty good picking it up. Not once the whole time I saw him getting confused and not interested. So I continued on the similar lines.

We do both English and German. Dirk will interchange German and English! :slight_smile:


Which method do you use? Do you do all the numbers in German first and then in English or how do you do it?

This is before we started officially doing anything with Doman’s method. Whenever we would go down the stair steps together or put away toys, I would count sometimes in English one day, a couple days later I would count in German, and sometimes I would count in Spanish. I don’t think that he knows what they mean, but at least he is getting used to what numbers are and what the names of the numbers sound like. :slight_smile:

How are you doing the Doman’s math? Which language are you using?

I’ve purchased LM and will be doing LM with Thomas trains (my two-year-old is obsessed with trains). I’ll show sets like 1-10 in English, and on a different day I will show the same 1-10 set in Spanish, German, and the Chinese one. Right now I try to keep counting more as a game. My oldest is 26 months old so his period of learning math using Doman’s method may be at it’s end. I will be starting the complete math program with my 4-month-old and see what happens! :slight_smile:


That sounds like a good plan. I may try that. I have to wait a little bit to buy LM, but I’m sure it would make much easier. For now, I’m going to use the flash cards I printed. I just need to find a website that has the rest of the numbers to print them out.

Thanks for sharing! :smiley:

I am teaching my son numbers in several languages and it is going great! I have heard him count to 10 in all of the languages I am teaching him :slight_smile:


That is great! How do you do your teaching sessions in the diferent languages?

Dear Joha and Everyone,

I have found that using songs and signing works best when teaching several different languages. My son has learned his numbers up to 10 using powerpoints and manual flashcards, but I use sign to reinforce them. One day after watching Vol 5 of signing time and seeing her sign the numbers I began signing the numbers to my son in all of the languages for fun. He enjoyed it so I continued. It wasn’t until my sister came to visit that I realized he knew them. He was counting and she repeated after him up to 10 and then they both started clapping :slight_smile: Hope this helps and if you have anymore questions let me know! Good Luck and Happy Teaching :slight_smile:


Thank you so much for sharing! That is a great idea. My husband created a song for the numbers in English and she pays attention to it. I guess I need to start working on my song in Spanish :blink: