Teaching/Learning 3 Languages . . . I need advice! How to start?

My DD is three years old and will start learning Arabic through direct instruction and total immersion but I also want her to teach her French, as a third language, for starters (English being first). I’d like her to learn more at some point but I don’t know how to get started with her with the French. A friend suggested Hooked on (Phonics) French. Any suggestions and ideas as far as scheduling, time limits? Please remember, I am not a native French speaker so I wouldnt be able to offer dialog. Perhaps I should look into a private tutor but how many times a week? What should I have them do/learn together? What products can you recommend for variety (books, programs, dvds)?

Should I wait until she is well on her way into picking up the Arabic before starting the French or can I start right away? How much can they overlap? Any suggestions for scheduling? Arabic on these days/week, French on these days, English on these days, etc?

Help please!

Hi teachermom,
I am also interested in this discussion, as I am planning to introduce French to my son at some stage. I have started with my research about french materials (they seem to be much less than in english), so we can share tips :wink:
Professor Toto seens to be quite good.

I would advise you to put your hands on a few good dvds in french (such as Little Pim) and cds with songs and stories, and starting surrounding her with the language.
The goal is to get her to hear the rythmme of the language and she might surprise you with a few words spoken very soon. The second step would be for her to hear the language from a speaker so there’s more interaction.

Thank you for letting us know about hooked on phonics french. has anyone tried it? is it any good?
it’s advertised at a very low price and I can’t believe you can get cds and flashcards for 20$!

My granson and me use to listen to french song since 6 month. At 16 month he sung some of them. Maybe he does not know the exact meaning but as you say he is getting use with the sounds.
When my 2nd grandchild comes (due on february) i will start earlier with the music. I was wondering at what age or when would it be appropiate to start watching Little Pim French?

We started at 7m with LP.
With my second child, I will start with a flashing program like TW or WTL) before I introduce my child to cute pandas :slight_smile:

Thanks, i am already working out my schedule. There is so much i want to get cover, not only reading and languages but also physical activities.