Teaching in a Foreign Language

I’m curious, is anyone here teaching their child using a non-native language?

I do NOT mean teaching a language as a foreign language, I mean teaching, and living with your child in a language that isn’t your native tongue, or one you aren’t even fluent in?

For example, do you give lessons in English when that isn’t your native language? I want to speak Spanish to my children from birth, but I worry that it wouldn’t be possible. English is my native language, its the language of my community and environment. If my children are born in an English speaking environment, I don’t plan to speak English to them. If their born in an environment that doesn’t speak English, then I will speak English to them because then it will serve a purpose.

I know that this doesn’t really make much sense, but I feel like I will have to choose between speaking Spanish with my children and doing an Early Learning program…I know that there are parents who use a non-native language with their kids and clearly there are thousands of families who, in one form or another, do various degrees of teaching their infants, but is anyone doing it all in a non-native language?

We live in an English environment, but our mother tongue is Arabic and I want it to be so for my baby. So we speak it 3 days a week. We split the other days between French and English. Surprisingly, It felt unnatural in the beginning and I couldn’t wait for the Arabic days to come. :blush: But I got used to it and It feels more and more spontaneous now.

I am also planning to introduce German and Spanish (even if I am not fluent). So I’ll be just repeating few sentences hoping it will improve by time. In addition, I’ll be learning Chinese with him, I’ll try to repeat basic sentences (it sounds boring :wacko: ) but I think I’ll rely more on audio files and LR.

In a nutshell, speaking your native language may make you feel bonding better with your children but teaching them foreign languages means that you care about their education even if you won’t be 100% comfortable with. If this is your firm choice than go for it, you’ll get used to it eventually. If not, you can always adjust it.

Karma to you Chiraz, it’s a tough lesson for me - cos I always make excuses why I can’t talk in my non-native language to my daughter. Thanks!

Wow! thx Sarah! that’s my first one! :biggrin:

Yeah, thanks Chiraz! I know that I should’nt worry, because this is pretty far off for me still, but I let my desire to speak Spanish with my kids drive me to study even on days I don’t feel like it. I really want to be able to be a good mama duck to my chicks–I mean kids, but I feel like if I follow through with Spanish, then I will be making a sacrifice for everything else, which I know is crazy! I follow the blogs of some very loving moms and dads who share languages of love with their kids and their relationship is fine.

But I always feel like I’m destined to screw up no matter what. (please, please, please! Healthy Babies sooner rather than later!!)

I started to speak to my baby in english when she was 8 months old. Not sure why I haven’t started sooner :wacko: . I live in Slovakia so english is a very foreign language here lol . From beginning I felt silly talking to her in english,sometimes I mixed languages, sometimes I wasn’t sure what I was doing. Then one day her reaction proved she understood what I said in english and I was so happy that from that day I speak to her in english when we are alone and slovak when there are other people around. It feels natural now and I switch from one language to another naturally. She understands well both languages. I would love to add another language. I think of spanish so will see how this will go as my brain is not willing to learn another language :slight_smile: