Teaching German

We would like to introduce our daughter to German. LR library doesn’t really have a lot of files that include the pronunciation which is key for us who don’t speak or know the language :wub: Someone posted a website yesterday with some story telling in Germanwhich is great! but we need to find more materials to show our daughter. Does anyone recommend any kind of product, website or can give any guidence about teaching German?

I found Muzzy, but I hadn’t heard very good reviews on this product.


Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

Hi, Joha,
I am also searching for different German resources, but I have not found so many. I just found a freeware LESEN LERNEN (learn to read): http://www.derwok.de/downloads/lesenlernen/index.html
It is quite nice, there are words and letters with pictures and most important - native pronounciation. It is more designed for use of children themselves, so the can check the word and then they get a smiling picture or the sad one, if the answer was wrong. Because of these asessment pictures it is not possible to really flash the words fast. But this software is worth trying.
If I find some more I’ll let you know.

Thank you so much for sharing! If I found any information I’ll let you know. :smiley:

Here is another site I found for learning german. You can either sign up for a free account or pay a small free for a premium membership. It does have audio with a bunch of vocabulary words and sentences as well. Hope you find it useful!!



Thank you so much for the website! It is great. I really like all the features it has and that it is native pronunciation. Now, as far as I can see this site is great for adults to learn German. I’m not sure how I could use it to teach my baby :unsure: How are you using this site? :huh:

Thanks! :slight_smile:

I visited the website u’ve given,it’s just awesome and not only German it has many other languages.I’m going to use it on myself! lol

Thank you, patience, it is good site, but more for adults, I guess.
lol I checked the web page and found that the authors have got a sense of humor and have made very interesting examples of sentences in German. For example, the first sentences are
Yesterday I’ve visited my brother in prison.
My grandfather died in a Russian labor camp.
“This place is haunted”, said the old man terrified.
Panic broke out when the pilot had a heart attack
and so on… This vocabulary does not seem to be usefull for kids lol

I am glad you all enjoyed the site :). If I find more sites I will let you all know!!

Anna Panna,

I didn’t get beyond the individual word flashcards, but from reading the sentences you listed below I see why it is useful for adults and not so much for children. lol


I am using this site for myself to help with my pronunciation, but as far as using it for my son I haven’t. Instead, I make powerpoints, download the sound clips from this site and add them to my presentations.

I thought about doing the same, but I couldn’t dowload the files with the pronunciation. How did you do it? :confused:

I have RealPlayer so I right clicked on the “play button” under the word, then I went to "download this video to realplayer. Once in real player I right clicked again and went to “move file” then saved it to the folder I wanted on my computer.

Ater that I just follow the steps to add voice to powerpoint.

Let me know if you have any more questions, there might be an easier way to do it, but this is what worked for me…take care!!

Hi Moms,

i came across this site to learn german and with the pronunciation.

Most of them are in .wav or .RAM format and if you need Real player to play .RAM files u can download them www.brothersoft.com.This is a free ware.

U can also prepare ur own Slides with them…


Though not in slide format its guided properly .

Hope u may enjoy this


I’m going to downlod real player and try it to see if I manage to get it done :smiley:


Thank you so much for the sites. Now, I’m a little bit confuse. :blink: The german site is


and the www.brothersoft.com is to download Real Player. Is this correct?

Thanks again! :slight_smile:


You have it correct :slight_smile: As for the powerpoints, I am not sure what your schedule is like, but if you want to work on some together let me know…The most time consuming part for me is finding pictures :slight_smile:


I work part time, but I can definetly work in some presentations. Let me know which categories you have worked on so we can come up with a list of categories we can make. I need to try to figure out today if I can download the pronunciation files. I’ll let you know later if it worked. :happy:

U r right Brothersoft to download any free software for example real player.

and german.about.com is the german website

Hey joha,

Alos u can use the below site


here u can see words with pictures in engish and dutch hope this will be more useful


Thank you so much for the link. It looks great, the issue is that I need sites with pronunciation because I could show my daughter the word, but not clue on how to pronunce it. I’m sure this will be a great tool for people that know some german and would like to teach it to their kids.



at this site they sell CDs for learning to read in German (after Doman’s method). Actually I came to Brillkids throught that site. But I don’t think they have the pronounciations you need. But maybe you can ask them (martina@walkwithjesus.eu) to make some one day.

Besides single words they also have phrases and sentences in their CDs and also the translation to English.

Hope this helps anyhow?

Hi Joha,

the site also have an audio guide on how to pronounce the words.For Eg when u check the below link there is a tabular column which gives the list of words and there is a hyperlink for each word.Once you click on the word it just opens in Real player to spell the word.It works for me!!


Try once and let me know if you still have problem in that.
Check if u have real player installed else download the free version from www.brothersoft.com.

Hello Everyone,

I contacted Martina at the Website Aguh posted about and she said that they are currently working on adding audio clips to the slides, but it will be 4-6 more weeks before it is ready. She also said that she would contact me to let me know when they are complete so I will post here again when she does.

Take Care:)