Teaching Emotions

I have found this great resource for teaching emotions. Although it is aimed at children on the autism spectrum, I don’t see why the free computer games and great fun activities could not be used by other, perhaps younger, kids. So I thought I would share it here in case somebody else would find it useful:


Thanks for sharing.

In “Bring Out Your Child’s Genius in Just Ten Minutes a Day” (http://www.rightbrainkids.com/genius-child-program-ebook/) I’ve seen that there’s a note on Institute of Heartmath. They made some very very interesting research on the heart, and heart-brain connections, and on emotions. Basically, the electro-magnetic field generated by the heart is much bigger than the one generated by our brain… and the communication pathways form the heart to the brain surpass in number those from the brain to our heart…

Here’s a link to things for parents and kids: http://store.heartmath.org/Especially-for-Kids
and ebooks: http://store.heartmath.org/e-books

I heard about them few years ago. And I bought a biofeedback video game aimed at training the heart rhythm and thus the emotions (not the product of IH, EMWAVE http://store.heartmath.org/emwave-demo.html which is really a good tool for measuring and even working upon your reaction to stress in every moment, but of Wild Divine http://www.wilddivine.com/wilddivine-demonstration-page.html. - a good game for kids as an alternative to a violent video game… but maybe not all will like it).

All in all, what the Institute of Heartmath says, it’s true. I verify it before going to sleep: I tranquil the heart (by putting the left hand above the right one and both above the heart on my chest and just quieting the mind and listening to … my heart…), and not only that my mind becomes peaceful and ready for sleep, but both my husband and son feel the field/wave of my peaceful and soothing heart and withing minutes they themselves are more calm too. (A woman can do that easily as we work a lot with the emotional part of us… a man, I don’t know…)

Somehow, if we look deeper in to the emotional training, we may find connections with ESP, at least in my point of view. One feels the field of his own heart expanding and also influencing other hearts in vicinity too.
