Teaching chunking, mnemonics & other memory expansion techniques? How?

After watching the video “My Brilliant Brain” about the female chess player and seeing how she chunks, I was inspired to aid my children’s chunking abilities. So, I found a few sites that discuss it more, to get a better understanding, and now need a plan.

According to the practice section on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mnemonic_major_system, the goal is to master 1000 bits of memorized data, which is also what was mentioned in the Brilliant Brain video (that she had about 1000 different board setups memorized), so this will be the goal. How, not quite sure, since I think that it’s easier to teach numbers in layers, but we’ll see.

What are your thoughts, and do you have a plan of attack? Whatever mine is, I know it will be drawn out over a few years and reinforced, but whatever it is, I just have to be sure it’s good lol.

Then again, I’m wondering if in providing the images one is actually holding back the process … as in, maybe the act of figuring it out on your own is the true beauty of it all. Hmmm.