Teaching Children About Nutrition

Dear All,

These are highly informative and short videos about nutrition and wellness (the opposite of dis-ease):

Among the videos, you may be interested in the ones about Fetal/Infant Development, ADHD & Omega 3’s; as well as Rebuilding a Damaged Brain.


Happy & Healthy Eating!

P.S. For those who have children that are at an unhealthy weight, please refer to Dr. Ludwig’s site, on Ending the Food Fight. The basis of the program is Dr. Sears research.



I see you have found info on rebuilding a damaged brain; how about a damaged spinal cord? Have you come across anything?

Dear Nikki,

Yes. :yes: Please see the link below for many topics related to it:


I hope you find the answers your questions in the link above. If not, then please let me know what else I may do to help you.


Thank you. I will send you a pm.

of course its great to teach children about food nutrition, but can guess as much, it wont bother them as they go for looks & taste. If you have a toddler, the best way is to prevent them from having too much chocolates/ice cream/fizzy drink/fried food.- best of all - Not having them taking those food at all!! I have known it and seen it. My brothers and sisters grew up on junk food as my mum didnt bother about it. Given a choice, they always prefer fizzy drink to plain water. Lots of my friends also have this problem, their children would scream for fries and other junks. Another way is through habitual. Always offer children with plain water and nutrition food and they will grew up with it. Thats how vegetarians did it with their children on vegetables only.

Another way which i thought is good too - saw it on the TV where Jamie Oliver campaigning to ban the junk food in schools and eat fresh, nutritious (Instead of Frozen food, fried chicken,fries,burgers. Jamie uses real food) jamie dressed up like a carrot and get the children to sing carrot song…it was a slow and hard process but i think he eventually did it!

ohh…there is another way Jamie uses - He showed them how commerial chicken nuggets were being made. chicken skins,parts of the meat that people usually throw away - they were blended, added with artificial food flavourings etc. The sign of the blended meat is just too gross for the schooling kids. Jamie also taught them how to cook real, tasty and nutritious chicken meal…I guess this works. So from today onwards,get your older kids to involve in your cooking. Bet they will appreciate more in this learning process

isnt t irony that our children are fussy eaters, chooses food while other children are suffering from hunger. I share the same thought with fruityfruit that children must learn to eat right when they are young. I have a nephew that refuses to eat fruits and greens

I guess wen we first introduce foods to them, we should healthy over taste
Also the parents taste in food usually shows in their feeding, like if i dont like garlic when i offer food with garlic i may show the disgust so the child too hates it.
Kyle loves garlic cauliflower n almost most veggies…n he loves my fav food, pasta!!!
i tell him abt the good in food when i teach and he loves fruits n veggies from his books except for KIWI…