Teaching boys Mandarin

Hi! My husband and I have been learning and teaching our boys Mandarin Chinese for 5 years. We have had a lot of fun and had some challenges too as with any worthwhile venture. Recently we have started a site to gather parents who are doing the same thing. We need help to know what is working for you and what you need help with. We hope to hear from you soon as we are just trying to build a network of others who are dedicated to the in’s and out’s of teaching this fun and challenging language to our little ones!

What are you doing to teach Chinese to your kids?
Find me here or at Baining’s Big Chinese Challenge!


Just visited your blog, Baining! I think it’s great! It gave me a lot of tips and ideas on how to keep my daughter interested in learning Mandarin. Granted, she’s only 18 months old so I will have to save your tips for when she’s older. But we live in an English-dominant environment (she goes to daycare while I work), and although I have the advantage of being able to speak Mandarin to her while she’s at home, I need all the help I can get to keep her interested in learning to speak, read, and write Chinese. Thanks for sharing!


Hi! Wow I am so excited you liked the blog! Sometimes it is hard to tell because not everyone comments. Your daughter is adorable and please remember to visit again for any cute language stories or culture stories which you will inevitably have! Thank so much and hope to hear from you again on the site! Thanks Baining