Just purchased the Doman how to teach your baby to write.
Wish I had bought it much earlier as it is about so much more than the manual task of writing (it covers creative writing and spelling)
It has lovely concepts and we are really excited about the program. Sabian has taken to it instantly. It’s a great way to transition into spelling too, in fact it handles this before it expects a child to pick up a pen or pencil.
As usual they have managed to break the task down into steps that are suited to the development of little ones.
It’s a PDF $15 they email it to you the day after purchase.
I bought the writing program, and the reading independently program.
The writing one is difficult for us as my son has trouble in that department, but I might start using it.
Is there more information available? I would like to check it out before purchasing it. Is it simple steps or something like Reading and math which are 5/2 sets 5/3 times a day? Don’t want an overload.
I saw the booklet in the IAHP online store, but when I tried to buy it, they were charging me $6.95 for shipping. I thought they would just email the PDF file to you after you buy the booklet? Did you buy it from the IAHP website?
Sure did, I think there’s a radio button type of check box where you choose your shipping. Choose the one where they say they’ll call you with the shipping price. Alternatively just send them an email.