teaching babies when have lots of children.

Just wondering who out there has a large family, and how they manage to teach their babies, yet look after everyone else, clean house etc? I’m pregnant with number 5.

I personally have not much family support, so I find Daycare helps. Azaria loves it, and while she’s learning new things and meeting new people, I can get the housework done, so I have more time to spend one on one with her.
But I am finding it hardto manage, what with pregnancy related anaemia and thus chronic fatigue. There just arent enough hours in the day, and not enough in the night either.

Hi Nikita,

I have been wondering about the same thing. I was thinking you or THen would be in a good position to answer that! How did you even manage with FOUR with no support?! I have two. It’s hard to balance work, home and spending enough time with each of them. Sometimes I spent so much time with my older one that I feel like I’m neglecting the little one; other times I’m teaching the little one and worry that she might get too far ahead of her brother since I didn’t know much about early education till recently.

Congratulation on number 5! Very brave!


I think there are others too with many kids. I just noticed that Nikolett also has 4! Perhaps they can chime in.

Its a real juggling act. At the moment I have anaemia with this pregnancy so all I want to do is sleep a lot of the time. I cant do it all. I’m not superwoman, so I have to delegate chores to the 3 older kids. Unfortunately sleepiness doesnt necessarily come at an opportune time, and sometimes I sleep while bubby plays in the lounge next to me, but once she picked up a heavy toy and dropped it on my head while I was resting… my nose was very tender after that.
I tend to regularly write lists of chores for the kids to complete. That’s a battle in itself with complaints… they just want to relax after school. I guess I’ll just have to resort to bribery… earn your keep, or lose a priviledge…

I give you lots of credit. You’ve got to be exhausted. I wonder how many large families there are who practice this kind of learning method?