Teaching Babies Survival Kit :)

BrillBaby has a brand new Teaching Babies Survival Kit!

It’s specially designed for parents who are new to teaching - especially those who feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start.

It includes an overview of the methods available for teaching babies as well as a seven-day lesson sampler (so you can try out a different activity each day of the week and see which are the most fun for you and your child).

You can find the Survival Kit here:

as well as by clicking on the button at the top right-hand corner: “Feeling overwhelmed? Start here.”

That’s great!

Excellent, Thank you as a new Mum to all this I can tell you how over whelmed I actually feel.

Wwwuuhhh!!!It’s really good.

What a neat idea!!

When I first saw the thread title, I was imagining Bit cards mixed in with bandages :blush: Glad that’s not the case!! lol

Ha ha… well of course, the title is meant to be a little tongue in cheek. :tongue:

But parents really do get overwhelmed - I know because I was one of those parents.

Actually what made me the most overwhelmed was watching the video of Felicity reading at 12 months. I didn’t know she was KL’s baby at the time; the video was on another company’s website; and when I met KL, I proceeded to tell him all about the “amazing video” I had just seen. lol

Hope the kit does prove useful for the newbies out there (or even those with a little bit of experience). Feel free to drop me a line with any questions - or suggestions for what would make the teaching experience even more “survivable”! :wink:


is there a set time you should teach your child. should you set it up like school i was thinking teaching my son from 11-12 or 12-1 should you do it every day or every other day

Dear Maddy & All,

This is excellent! Because I still feel overwhelmed with recently learning about the Doman method for reading, math (have the program and not read it yet? and am trying to use LM), physical superbness, learning Little Reader Lite and learning how to create .ppt/.pps/jpegs/audio files and with Arabic language as well - whewww, I wear myself out.

The “Seven Day Sampler” is is a good reminder that I can do this and something is better than nothing - or put another way, to focus on progress instead of perfection!

Thanks for all of BrillKids Team for your efforts and making things easy and fun for us.

Ayesha :wink:

Thanks so much! I’m beginning to feel like overwhelmed is my normal state. I keep reminding myself that this too shall pass and that I’d better keep pushing myself because before I know it, she’ll be off to college.

I feel very blessed to have found brillkids… despite the sleep you’ve robbed me of…


PitBullLover, I would say every day for sure! However, don’t beat up on yourself if you can’t do the teaching on a particular day. Life happens.

As for the time of day, it’s up to you whether you make it a set time. I would recommend doing things in the same order though - e.g. give your child her lesson after breakfast and before taking her for a walk; or after her nap and before giving her a bath. I would say that getting the time exactly right is not so important (especially not if it stresses you), but having a routine is very useful. Little kids like to know what’s coming next.

Ayesha, glad you like the sampler. :slight_smile: That’s exactly what we wanted to show parents - that you can try a few different things in an exploratory way, and just see what works. Personally, I like to be more spontaneous than doing the full Doman program would allow.

One comment that Glenn Doman made though really resonated with me - that swimming practice helps children develop their strength and coordination, and so benefits them on dry land too. I could never bring myself to force Naimah to spend the recommended amount of time on her tummy, but from 10 months I started taking her to a weekly swimming class. That’s my investment in her physical excellence, and it works for us! :slight_smile:

LongTallDrink, I think it’s important to focus on what you are doing rather than what you could be doing. Don’t pressure yourself - if you do, you’re totally missing the point of teaching your child: that it’s supposed to be fun - for both of you! :slight_smile:

Thanks Maddy, and of course you’re right. I do have fun with Marina no matter what we get up to, I’m just feeling particularly stretched at the moment in alot of other ways - it’s distracting.