Teaching babies English - Resources on the Internet

I found Gogo’s Adventure with English (an English teaching video for kids) on You Tube some time ago (http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=khuctinhsy2&p=r) and I find it pretty good. And my baby loves it. Check it out and maybe you will find it usefull too. :wink:
This is lesson 1

That’s a great video! Thanks for the referral, Martina!

Actually, I’ve been meaning to create ‘stories’ for Little Reader, and it’s amazing how similar my ideas are to this Gogo video!

Amazing!!! my chid loved it

KL, can’t wait to have a similar Gogo adventure with Little Reader! This will be an excelent tool!

You Tube is so great resource for teaching kids English. As I mentioned in another thread SUPER SIMPLE SONGS are great too. It brings so much fun, joy and movement into learning English with your little one. lol.
Check it out. You can see their video here: http://www.youtube.com/user/SuperSimpleSongs
Their website is www.supersimplesongs.com

And again some examples of their videos:

That’s another great recommendation, Martina!! Thank you!!

What else?? :biggrin:

I had never heard that version of hockey pockey before ! Is it different on purpose?

If it is different (I have never heard any other version) then I guess it is done on purpose. Super Simple Songs are supposed to make teaching English to very little children easy and enjoyable. So they try to make the songs very easy to understand and sing and follow for these little ones. They also try to create new easy songs to teach different patterns and subjects using TPR method (total physical response). If the song is followed by movement it is easier for children to remember the language… They even have different (easier) version of other songs like The wheels on the bus, If you are happy and others. That is why they are so unique and valuable for teaching English very young learners, I think. I use them with my daughter and also with the kids in the maternity center in our town - kids that has never learned English before, and everybody loves them. :slight_smile:

There’s a website called www.kidsinglish.com which Nikita mentioned. Check it out - very nice!Another good resource for teaching babies English.

Yes, this is another of my great resources, too. My baby loves his educational English songs. On You Tube you can get his free video songs here. http://www.youtube.com/user/peterweatherall
And again some examples: lol

Great stuff, Martina, keep ‘em comin’!

:biggrin: I got an email back after I ordered from www.kidsinglish.com from Peter weatherall, and he added in heaps of extra free stuff for no extra cost!! maybe that was cos I was ordering from not far away and my postage was cheaper than to the US, but he was very helpful. And he has flashcards with his learn English kit.

Maybe he might be interested in making some Little Reader categories! Haha, he could even join our Write-a-Story contest!


That’s funny, because I actually said that to him! In fact his wife is his illustrator for his videos/ TV show. She’s Japanese… you need a Japanese translator. I kept saying check this site out (here’s the address, click here, I’ll get points!). His talent’s as a teacher of English in Japan were not recognised apparently…he did his ideas, that was too radical, so they told him to stick to the curriculum.
You never know, they might log in.

infact, it’s the Science DVds and sond Cds that are my favourite. I’m learning stuff. Cant get the star song out of my head…

“Stars are a nuclear explosion, making Helium out of Hydrogen gas
And as a result of this fusion, you get alot of energy from a little mass”

Beats Twinkle Twinkle Little Star any day. (we sing this at playgroup every week).
No more wondering what they are…now you can actually KNOW! And our babies can know. My older kids have been memorising the song, which has several verses, plus the catchy chorus I quoted.

eg…Stars form into galaxies bound by the force of gravity
and the star we call the sun, is situated on the edge of one.

Also discusses E=mc squared.

bubby finds this interesting.

and it’s all very visual… the song is written across the screen, and other words to illustrate the points. It’s obviously designed for older kids, because the writing is small, but hey, if you had a huge screen or a projector you could get the words much larger.

You can teach your baby the language whatever you want to teach by playing that language music in the background while they are coloring or playing puzzle etc.So that this will help them to learn as it is getting recorded in there subconscious mind. That’s what tweedle wink course says

Yep, always a good practice to have music or foreign language CD’s playing in the background.

anything that they can hear the language and see the language at the same time

Here is one of other great resources for teaching babies English. I attended their courses of methodics for teaching English to very young learners (in Czech republic). Steve Watts, the founder of the method called WattsEnglish, is really great and all children love him. I was personally trained by him. They have many videos on You Tube where you can find a lot of inspiration. They have also some web based English lessons on their website (http://www.wattsenglish.com/web-based-lesson.php) and my daughter loves them.

Here are again some examples:
