Teaching ART

I saw on a current Affairs show about how some art had gone on sale in some art gallery, people were impressed by it, and then there was a furore created when people realised the artist was just 2 years old. Apparently the parents put the kid in some painting clothes, put a very large canvas on the floor, gave her little squirty bottles of paint and some other tools, and just let her go for it. And she was keen, she really got into it, it was all her self-expression. And she will probably make good money for her art works. Well, heck, zoos let elephants do art with their trunks, so why not let our kids do art… they might get paid for it! (Hey, art is difficult to define as to what’s good and what isnt…I went to the Canberra art gallery 21 years ago, and saw a huge painting on the wall…it had cost $4 million. And all it was was plain grey. No picture!! )

That’s hilarious! lol

Wish we could see a pic of the 2-year old’s masterpiece!

Yes, modern art is funny :biggrin:

Well, I think it was on TODAY TONIGHT, Channel 7, Melbourne (Australia) a few weeks ago. And if it wasnt, it would have been A CURRENT AFFAIR, Channel 9, Melbourne. They probably have it archived on their website.

This is a fun-interesting thread, but do you actually know of a program or something to teach your child Art. Something like really art…not appreciation, but maybe drawing or the basics of painting.

I know that letting children paint freely does not mean to let them do whatever they want in whichever way they can, but rather to give them the tools (techniques, fine motor skills, materials) to express what they want.
For example, they may want to paint a tree, and if we do not teach them how to eg. rinse the brush and change of paint brown to green… they can’t do what they want to do. I am not an artist… but any suggestions for art classes with 2 year olds?

I saw that article on the Yahoo news and got a great chuckle out of it. I wasn’t sure what was funnier – that everyone appreciated the two year old’s paintings as great art or the “expert” that came on and insisted that a two year old could not have painted them! :wacko:

I think you can teach anything - any subject whatsoever - just so long as you thoroughly research the subject yourself:

go to all of the libraries in your area and ask the librarians which books they would recommend for any given subject (like how to draw or paint or sculpt or…).

Of course check with all of your local schools or send emails to the finest educational institutions you know of and ask for the contact info for the world’s experts and [i]pick their brains:

which are the very best books to learn from? - and then request those books from the library[/i].

Just read a few chapters ahead in each book as you teach your child ( and yourself!!)

I havent heard of classes for 2 yr olds, but for 5 and up…
At daycare they would have the opportunity to paint/draw etc, and see other kids their age doing the same thing. That’s very inspiring. Showing them art works, in art books, in an art gallery could help.
Dare I mention there are baby art dvds out there… like baby einstein… it exposes them to learning about art. There is the British Show Art Attack which is for older kids but could inspire. (I find the videos in op-shops for $2). My older kids loved the show. There is the Art Magic monthly magazine for kids, I got a heap at the op-shop for $5. And what that baby did is like what the Aussie artist Pro Hart did when advertising for a stain free carpet company…where he squirts all these foods all over the carpet, and slides all over it, and then in comes the disgusted cleaning lady…“Oh, Mr Hart, what a mess!!”. But I think some of his art actually looked like that.

I have been thinking about what to do for a toddle re ART. I thought… what about those paint-with-water books? Not messy! Really easy. But how satisfying… to produce an artwork. Then there’s stamping with rubber stamps or potatoes with shapes cut into them… I have a cheap version of a magnadoodle/ etch-a-sketch, called megasketcher, and Azaria draws on it in the car. No pen, no mess, totally reusable. her siblings draw on it too, and teach her words with it. There are also montessori supplies, like the US ebay store, Education Treasures, has rubbing plates of different leaves, flowers, insects etc. Just put paper on and draw over with crayon… easy and educational.

Nikita, this may have been the girl you saw. I remember seeing her on Foxtel in Australia.

I just finished reading a book about art and being creative. As someone mentioned, it said to teach them how to use their tools, like holding the brush and rinsing it, but not to actually teach them how to draw a person or anything. They should be allowed to create it how they want to.

It also said never to say “good job” or “I love your picture” because that is focusing on the product and not the process. You can say “I bet that was fun to make” because that is commenting on the process.

It said not to post work, but to store it in a folder so the child feels they can create what they want and it will be kept private. That is more for older kids, but they can feel bad if you post one picture and not the next. They said never to ask “why” or what something is supposed to be.

Basically they said just to show them how to use the materials but not to use coloring books or anything other than white paper. Just let them do what they want and they will naturally fine-tune their skills.

NBailey, that isn’t the girl… this particular girl was just turned 2. Your girl is now 4, but began painting before 2. I quite liked her stuff! I looked for the other girl, but cant find her… but I did find a little dog doing little paintings that are selling for $100 to $250ish. I think it’s time to not think about mess, but get Azaria out there producing some art. She (I mean me) has an expensive DVD-buying habit she needs to finance.

Young At Art is an awesome book for teaching toddlers art. I can’t read a page without making a bunch of notes. I am really enjoying it.

Marla from the link is quite amazing as well! I read the same, exposing a toddler to “kid’s” art will make them copy it and not develop their own perception. Unfortunately mine all have each other to learn from, ha :biggrin:

Hahahaha that’s great.

I know what I will be doing with Sophia when she turns 2. At least its a great fun way for your child to ‘earn their keep’ lol

Wish i could see that art! lol

Having a small container of water, a large and some smaller paintbrushes, and a wooden fence when it’s not too hot, and letting bub paint the fence (like the karate kid)…show them how to use big whole-arm movements, and smaller movements. Perhaps shave a bit of chalk into the water to add a bit of colour.
Also using concrete paths or driveways with jumbo chalk and letting them draw. Leave it there and let the rain wash it off, making more patterns as it does so.

I watched a movie about Marla. It was very interesting. I think that her work is beautiful. I don’t know how much influence her father plays in the paintings, though.

Can anyone recommend a good book to read related to art. I have been curious about this topic as well, but haven’t had much time to do much research. I bought some jumbo sidewalk chalk a while ago that my son enjoys using as well as crayons and a drawing pad.

Thanks Nikita for the painting idea, I must try that in the near future :slight_smile:

I saw the answers to my question… but Public libraries are more than scarce here… in Mexico. I have gone through them and haven’t found any goo dbook on painting or drawing. I have bought some from local bookstores… and I think your suggestions on teaching the basics of technique is what I will do.

If anyone does have the ART attack books can you give me your comments. I think I can get those here, but they are always sealed at the stores and I would like to know your comments before buying them THANKS