Teaching about origins of life

There are many theories on how life on Earth started. There is Creation, Evolution and everything in between.

Since we are a very international and multicultural/multi-faith community, united in desire to give our children the best possible early start, there will be many approaches to explaining origins of life among parents here.

I wanted to start the thread where parents can share their approach to teaching it. What I wanted to propose – is not a thread for debating different theories, but rather a collection of resources and approaches, where each one is welcomed to share without feeling that he/she will be singled out or criticized.

So lets each share the following:

  1. What do you teach (Creation, Evolution, EU theory, etc)
  2. What resources do you use ( please share links and resources so that others using this approach can benefit from it!)
  3. Are you introducing other theories to your child ( or are you planning on doing it) and if so how?
  4. Feel free to add LR lessons you’ve created on the topic!

Hope we will be able to share many useful resources with each other. :yes:

Karma to you, Skylark, for starting this thread. I really look forward to seeing what people come up with, including you, Skylark. :slight_smile: I’ll compile my resources when I get a chance. I do enjoy teaching my children what other people believe as well as my own beliefs. It’s not just on BrillKids that we find a “small world”, and I think there is great benefit in learning what we all have in common, and what we don’t.

Thank you for starting this new thread. I hope that stating this doesn’t cause any offence but the theory of evolution makes no attempt to explain Life’s origins.

Hopefully some useful resources will be shared here.

Chris. :slight_smile:

Thank you, Chris and Tamsyn!

Yes, I will be sharing our resources, and I am looking forward to see everyone else’s replies too!

A really interesting and useful thread. I must confess that the most appropriate strategy for this question was not an easy choice to me. I try to tell kids that there are different people who have different views and I hope that tey will be opn-minded enough to accept the picture of this world in its complexity. In other words, I teach my kids little bit of religion and evolution but try not to make it too complicated for them. My main point is that I try to help my kids understand that we are free to choose in what we believe, but we should also respect the opinions of other people.

I think this is a massive question. Chris 1- if you believe in creation or evolution or both there is ultimately no answer as to where life comes from - either God created everything (but where did he come from?) or it all just happened (but why? How did it start? How could everything start from nothing … )
To answer the original post starting from when dd was about 5 (she is now 9} we have looked at how the earth and creatures on it evolved= Montessori great lesson 1 (http://www.montessoriforeveryone.com/The-Five-Great-Lessons_ep_66-1.html) . I loved that because of all the creative projects. We also discussed Christian beliefs. Haven’t looked at the topic for years though.

A truly fascinating and valuable string. I should admit that the most suitable system for this question was not a simple decision to me. I attempt to tell kids that there are diverse individuals who have distinctive perspectives and I trust that they will be having broad thinking enough to acknowledge the photo of this world in its unpredictability. As such, I educate my children tiny bit of religion and advancement yet do whatever it takes not to make it excessively entangled for them. My principle point is that I attempt to enable my children to comprehend that we are allowed to pick in what we accept, yet we ought to likewise regard the suppositions of other individuals.

Very interesting! Thank you for starting this new thread.

my mom and grandma believe in God, while dad and his parents are atheists. As a result they were trying to teach me about different view, believes, respect and understanding, which made me totally confused at the age of 7. I was jumping back and force till 24 when finally became an atheist.
so i’ll teach evolution and more importantly to question everything

  1. Now i teach some topic like internation politic and education situation in the country. It is very important becouse some politics circumstances force us travel a lot and change study places.
  2. A lot of information i check in the education platform, this for example https://truowl.com/. Social networks help too, LinkedIn for example
  3. Unfortunately my son is 5-years old and he can’t imagine how is it works.