Secular researcher Richard Milton summarized the current world situation:
“Darwinism has never had much appeal for science outside of the English-speaking world, and has never appealed much to the American public (although popular with the U.S. scientific establishment in the past). However, its ascendancy in science, in both Britain and America, has been waning for several decades as its grip has weakened in successive areas: geology; paleontology; embryology; comparative anatomy. Now even geneticists are beginning to have doubts. It is only in mainstream molecular biology and zoology that Darwinism retains serious enthusiastic supporters. As growing numbers of scientists begin to drift away from neo-Darwinist ideas, the revision of Darwinism at the public level is long overdue, and is a process that I believe has already started.” (Much more so, a decade later…)
- Richard Milton, Shattering the Myths of Darwinism (Rochester, Vermont: Park Street Press, 1992, 1997), p. 277.
My experiences are actually even more up to date I guess I am a bit young for “Newsweek in 1987” article :yes: And the people I mentioned in my previous post are not one of a thousands of the ones who got their doctorates and became units in statistics, but rather distinguished and known scientist who stand on their own in their areas of research.
I can not say about all scientists, neither I really took time to look at the statistics field by field.
What I wrote came from my personal experience, and as a result of thoughtful and in-depth discussions with number of leading EU scientists ( not from English speaking countries), thats all. So sharing this, may be considered just a personal observation.
However, it does explain why I came to conclusions and beliefs that I did; why I am open to Scientific Evidence, and therefore accept and wholeheartedly support the Intelligent Design theory. And I hope these personal observation will be of interest and help to those who after reading them, will consider to analyse and study the presenting evidence with open minds and will let that evidence lead them to conclusions.
But most of all, lets have fun teaching or little ones about beauty, diversity and fascinating complexity of this world. There is so much to discover, and no doubt as they discover new things every day, these discoveries will speak for themselves. After all there got to be a Designer…
That reminded me of a story I read in one of the Digests a little while back, cant remember exactly which one but the story stayed in my memory, I thought it was neat, it went something like that:
"[i]Many years ago Sir Isaac Newton had an exact replica of our solar system made in miniature. At its center was a large golden ball representing the sun, and revolving around it were smaller spheres attached at the ends of rods of varying lengths. They represented Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars and the other planets. These were all geared together by cogs and belts to make them move around the "sun" in perfect harmony.
One day as Newton was studying the model, a friend who did not believe in the Biblical account of creation, stopped by for a visit. Marveling at the device and watching as the scientist made the heavenly bodies move in their orbits, the man exclaimed, "My, Newton, what an exquisite thing! Who made it for you?"
Without looking up, Sir Isaac replied, "Nobody."
"Nobody?" his friend asked.
"That's right! I said nobody! All of these cogs and belts and gears just happened to come together, and wonder of wonders, by chance they began revolving in their set orbits and with perfect timing[/i]."
… He made the point!" And so did I…
But that is why it is fun, no need to argue, proove or debate. All those things our little ones will be learning about the world around them, will speak for temselves. So I do not worry about that