Teaching a 4 year old

Dear Gary,

LR is short for Little Reader and LM is short for Little Math. Both are software that was created by the Brillkids Team. Below are a couple links to get further information on both LR and LM and links for free montessori downloads.


Montessori Downloads

I hope this helps and forgive me for not elaborating, but I am on my way out the house and so I don’t have much time. There are many wonderful people on this site who will be happy to help you as in any way that I haven’t :slight_smile:

Good Luck and Happy Teaching!!

I just started 4 months ago with my 4 year old using the Doman method. I made about 100 cards that I flashed at her for about 1 1/2 months maybe a little longer. She started to recognize some of them at the time. I then took a 2 week break as she didn’t seem as interested and finding time was hard as she is also in preschool.

I then started making sentences with the words and stuck them on the wall. We now change the sentences once a week and she helps stamp the new words that we need to finish the sentence. She uses most words that I had initially flashed, but of course we always need new words to make a sentence. She reads the sentences for the week, and even changes the sentences around with the words that are on the wall. We have been doing this for about a month now. I like it a little better as the words are always there for her to read.

I of course also read many books to her and when possible will point to the word as I am reading it. I also have a seven year old who is also beginning to read, but I didn’t use any program with him as I didn’t know about Doman, YBCR, or LR. I wish that I would have as I would have used it with him. I’m not really sure how well either of them can read, but I know that they will get there.

Hello CDGMOM, - little note if you are in the States and your 7 year old has not been introduced to any to these early development pratices, one thing you could do with him is introduced him to reading classes with Kumon.com (franchise you need to google it, find one close to your house) I got good reports from them from friends whose kids take these classes - they also offer math. Again these classes are support for kids that want to be better but did not have Doman or Right Brain education (for those who had Doman , Kumon will be too slow and bored)

Just food for thought. Any extra help with will do wonders in kids !!


Hello all!

I stumbled to this site just now and I feel guilty for not teaching my daughter to read very early. She’s now 4 and can read a few words but I know I have to do more. It’s half term and she has a week off of school and I told myself that I will have to make her read before she goes back to nursery. This forum gives me hope. I just thought I was too late. Thanks so much!


wELCOME !!! It is never too late !! you will find lots of tools and resources here, I started at 4 years old as well and she is now 5.5 and a whole new human been !!

any specific question dont hesitate to ask !



Thanks a lot for sharing with us your experience and thanks to the daily digest mail I receive from Brillkids I arrive to this thread. I have been following the advices since May and just now I came at this one.

Brillkids forum help me a lot. I have a grandson 2 yrs 9 month old. So far he is making a lot of progress with music. I got Trebellina DVD and Themes to remember CD because of this site and I am very happy with both of them. I read a lot to him and he helps me out with Brown Bear , Polar Bear, and Panda Bear even though english is not his native language. Most of the books, DVD and CD we buy are in english

I thought that it was to late for him to start any of those programs but you make me think about it again.
Question: Being LR and LM too expensive for me which one do you think from your experience will make more of a difference ?

I am impressed on his development considering that he doesn´t lives with me but we see twice a week adn weekends every 2 weeks. So I will not be able to use them as recomended. Nevertheless considering that all estimulus for little it seems, will help them, I working very hard with different activities. really playing because we enjoy it a lot. Lately he is very interested in math, at least he starts counting everything he sees both in english and spanish.

QUestion: You are right, math is much more than dots. Do you think it is worth following LM knowing that we do not have too much time together?

I’m sure that a four year old is the perfect age to start teaching your child reading and even math. Don’t even think twice, go for it. Most importantly present all the material with a joy and you’ll see the incredible results in short time! :slight_smile:

Hello 2010BEBES,

I am glad you are here and ready to use wisely every secong you got !! that is the deal that your grandson will remember in the future that Learning and by the way Learning with grandma is FUN!! that by itself will be a huge life present !!

As much as we want to… it is impossible for us to teach our kids e v e r y t h i n g we would like them to know; there is just not enough time and by the time they grow up they will need information we dont even know it exists (because it does not exist now) we live in very fast changing times and the best think you can do for your grandson is teach him how to learn ! teach him how to think ! reading is a door to many things in life and so is math, the dots are great if you can do the homework every day several times per day, but as you well said dots are not everything, there are tons of math lessons that you can offer in your kitchen, your job is to help your grandson and son/daughter understand that the love for learning is a foundation that needs to be work on at an early age, the earlier the better. Just make sure that what ever you decided is 100% guided by what his preference is at this stage of development, if it is books, then books, if bits then bits it is. Start with one category and litlle by little start adding to it as you see him enjoying more and more, laugh with him, read with exagerated tone, touch him, the more senses you involve in every “session” or learning play time the better for him. Discover what works best for him, what kind of learner he is and pls pass all this info to his parents they should be here and even if all they have is 10 minutes per day - like right brain kids promote- ten minutes per day go a long run in a life time of learning, they (his parents) probably are not aware of all they are missing just like I was not aware for the first 4 years of my daughter’s life… find the way to bring the message to them in a way that they will embrace it vs feeling grandma is telling me how to raise my kids … kind off… :wink:

short answer to you questions

  1. if you have to choose because of the price- I would choose LReader there are tons of materials available for you and great quality. Plus there are some dots lessons in ppt in LReader

  2. I will do it anyway just for fun, but then again if time is limited as well I will teach him new skills he can use and somehow are math related. Playing with puzzles, playing with food and learning fractions, I taught my daughter to count by 2s, 3s, 4s, 10, 25s, 100s, while swinging at the park everytime I pushed her I scream a number and she will scream it back in different languages after she got it in english and that info is there for retrieval now that she is learning the multiplication table is piece of cake, play memory games with cards, make your own plays - acting - to memorize lines and practice that memory muscle, go for science project trips …just a walk to pick up leaves and label 3 or 4 per week keep a leaves book, stones in a egg case… keep reading at this forum you will find useful and funny ideas everywhere. He is still in right brain mode learn about it and capitalize on that … pls have fun along the way - give him with no expectation, like every good gift we give, give it away dont test him or show him off, just give give give …AS POSSIBLE PLAY Classical music in the background - baroque - mozart. You can get these cds at the local library. Best to you !!

I wish I would had had a mom or mom-in-law who would have brought this early info to me earlier !! God bless you for your determination to improve your grandson’s life.



Thank you for your words and suggestions Gloria. I appreciate them very much. You can’t imagine how much we enjoy reading together, going to the park, working with play doh etc etc.