Teaching 14 month old shapes and colors. All advice and tips are welcome!

My daughter just turned 14 months and I am teaching her shapes and colors :slight_smile:
She is not much into them. But I am not giving up because I see that she is picking up the things :yes:
Last night I found some videos on youtube, that I liked, hopefully they will be useful for someone else as well.
I have no idea how to insert youtubevideo into the post , so I will just post a link to it.
I also would like to ask if someone has VALUEABLE info or VERY GOOD quality youtube clips on subject HOW to teach SHAPES and COLORS to 14-18 month old,
post them in this topic.






Thank you in advance to everybody!

I love those videos. Someone made the first 2 into LR categories a while back.

I always wanted to know how to do that

Sheeberi is the one who made them. She has made several. PM her. I’m sure she will tell you how she makes them.

Hi Just to share some of my methods:

-Association Associate colours with familiar items like: RED car, BLUE chair, TRIANGLE pizza slice, SEMI-CIRCLE watermelon just as shown in the videos… Colours/ shapes are easily recognised when related with something.

-Sorting: Place mega blocks/ bricks/ balls/ toys - in different boxes/ containers (stick on colour tags/ labels) according to colours. My girl loves it when she was ard 14+ months. Very effective method i found & in a way, she helps to keep her toys in a fun way!

-Eat colourful food like fruits/ vegetables. Introducing good nutrition while learning the colours like RED beetroot, ORANGE orange, YELLOW capsicum, GREEN peas etc…
Cut bread/ cheese etc with cookie cutters into stars & different shapes to add a twist in their snack.
Still works like wonder now that she always finishes her school snack with these shapey food.

-Finger painting/ Stamping Messy but no toddler can resist such fun. A different colour/ shape each day/ week.

-Everydayness Simply point to things in the house, on the streets, neighbourhood etc to emphasis the colours
“Hey, see the RED letterbox! Pls pass me your BROWN teddy bear…You are wearing a nice PINK dress!..Who is in the big OVAL mirror?..”

-Knob Puzzles Hands-on with the shapes. Many are available with great brilliant colours too!

-Magnetic Tangram This is one further step that I am letting her creativity run wild to create different things with the basic geometric shapes.
Now she can create a SQUARE or PARALLELOGRAM with 2 triangles or abstracted animals, man, and many different patterns.
I believe this helps to train her logic thinking, sequencing & problem solving skills.
She is able to complete a 12+ pcs jigsaw puzzle by herself which i thought it is a great achievement for a 2.5 year old.

Have fun! When the kids had learnt their colours & shapes as they are able to express better!

This is not exactly an answer to your original question, but I love the preschool prep company and their Meet the Shapes and Meet the Colors DVDs. Also, I love the Signing Time “Do you know the colors of the rainbow?” song. Portions of it are on youtube, the full version is on signging time season 1 “my favorite things” episode.

Thank you sooo much for all of the replies! Karma to everybody!
Yes I have both “Meet the …” series and “Signing time”. My daughter loves ST, but refuses to watch " Meet…" series. :frowning: