Teach toddler to read

I have a very bright 2 1/2 yo daughter. She has surpassed all her friends in every category. She knows a letters and sounds. She knows numbers, she can count to 13. She knows colors, shapes, animals. She has an extensive vocabulary and her pediatrician says she is amazingly well spoken. That’s just the tip of the I iceburg. She just seems to grasp everything I throw at her. I wish I would have given her more stimulation as a baby. I regret not doing it. I was trying to teach her phonics. She was understanding it very well, but after doing some research I decided I want to try to teach her to read another way. We ordered YBCR. My 4 month old loves it. But my toddler seems to think the movies are a little boring. So we’ve been workin with flash cards. We’ve been doing this for a little more than a week and she can recognize 6 words. My question is: what is a good method for teaching toddlers to read? Everyhing I have read is targeted more towards infants. What have you all tried? Like I said before I wish I would have known about different methods of teaching children to read when she was younger.

you can try little reader and ybcr has child can read now. yccr is geared for 3 years or older. i hope this helps.

What is the little reader approach? Different from ybcr?

When my son was that age we did phonics and he grasped it without a problem. We used “Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading” and Reading Eggs.com. We did a Doman type program when he was younger and he could read the words he learned but wasn’t advancing like I thought he should. If you are looking for the whole word method we did have a lot of success with Preschool Power “Meet the Sight Words” my son thought Your Baby Can read was boring but he liked the Meet the Sight Word Videos and learned all the words in each video (about 15) in 1-2 weeks/video.

Since YBCR is to borring for her. I suggest Monki see Monki do… I have it for my 15 months old and I take it to the children’s center I work at and up to the 4 years olds are glued to the TV…so get it. Any i would get a simple reading book with simple sentences and have her read that. You read the sentence and let her repeat after you. That’s how I learned to read. I was reading at the age of 3…

Good lucks

My baby girl is 1.5-year old now. She watched YBCR from 9-month old, and basically she knew more than 150 out of 180 words given in the series. She can count from 1-12 now. Right now we let her watching “Your Child Can Read” series which is quite colourful and with short sentences involved.

Would like to share the usage of YBCR as follows:


You can use any method you like to teach a toddler to read - and basically that means whatever your child enjoys. You can also try a variety of methods without doing any harm, so keep trying with YBCR/YCCR, use flashcards, point out the words your child knows in books you are already reading, use some of the methods in the post about tips on here. Basically the more print you show him the better they do.

My daughter is 2.5 and knows a lot of words and is starting to read easy books. We have started some phonics as well now so that she can work out new words for herself.

I had the same problem with my son when he was 2 and half. We started all over again (after flash cards, ybcr, LR nothing worked) with leap frog letter factory, Pre school prep, star fall and then reading eggs. He is 3 and half now and is able to read small books, we haven’t been continuously doing it . I think leap frog letter factory, pre school prep and reading eggs are great tools for toddlers.

LR is similar to YBCR in some ways but different in many others. First off, YBCR is a video. You can not change or modify its content or lessons. LR allows you to customize lessons and files so that your child is always seeing something new and different. You can show different pictures/sounds/videos every time you play a lesson. Plus, you can expand your library by downloading more content. We have a huge library of files made by other members. You can even create your own files and share them, if you wish.
LR’s multisensory lessons are similar to YBCR’s. However, LR also has right-brain flash lessons (simulating flash cards) and phonics lessons.

Basically, LR is a little bit of everything rolled into one program, highly customizable and a lot of fun!

You can get more info here http://www.brillkids.com/teach-reading/index.php and take a free 14 day trial.

Hi, you don’t need to buy an expensive program like Little Reader. A lot of the stuff on this site is based on Glenn Doman’s work. Got to Amazon buy “How To Teach Your Baby To Read (The Gentle Revolution)” by Doman. Make sure you get the most recent edition which I think is 2005. Check out a website called childandme.com. it gives a good summary of his program.

You start with large print - 4" letters. You show the words in sets (1 to 10 cards) 3 times a day. Sets (categories) can be family, parts of the body, home, animals, food, etc. Show the words 15 times total, then you retired them after 5 days (5X3=15). when you get rid of a word, you add a new one. You only show the word for a second. Don’t ask the child to repeat the word or test her. Just give a lot of praise and make it fun. Then when your child knows about 200 words, move on to couplets (two words), then three-word phrases, then sentences, and then a book that you make from the words your child already knows.

I started this with my 26 month old daughter. She learns the words after only seeing them once or twice. It’s amazing. She likes learning too.

Starfall.com is also free. My daughter learned all her letters and the sounds from there. She also likes the stories.

good luck!

Some kids don’t like paper flash cards. That gets boring after a while.

I was interested in getting the little reader and math can hly paymentssome one explain me is there montl

there are monthly payments for both. it will be more beneficial to get the lifetime subscription

I use the Monkie See Monki Doo videos with my daughter and she really likes them. There is also a free site with digital flash cards. (It is like a power point presentation.) They have 80 categories that each contain 10 words. So 800 words with pictures and some sound effects. If you want to check that out the website is http://memoflix.com/