Teach my baby to pup at the toilet

My baby never pup in diapers again since 1,5 months old… but when he began to eat solid foods, sometimes he cannot wait us to bring him to toilet, so he pup in his diaper… :frowning:

I think it’s quite normal to be pooping in the diaper until about 2-3 years old.

We never really toilet-trained Felicity, but she started to tell us she wanted to use the toilet soon after turning 2. She hasn’t needed to wear diapers (even to sleep) since about 2.5 years.

So since your baby is only 6 months old, I dont’ think there’s anything to worry about!

I think firstly that this is a practice that varies wildly in different cultures. In the ‘First world’ we leave our babies in nappies a lot longer than in developing countries. We have lost the knowledge and/or motivation to get our kids out of nappies early.

We all have expectations of our babies and this is one of the biggest issues we face in childrearing.

To Wewei. your baby’s digestive system will change quite a lot as you introduce solids. In time you will find a new rhythmn to his bowel movements. Just be patient with him and it will all settle… Good luck :yes:

I have a toodler who is two who began signing at 13 months (thanks to signing times) that he needed to go potty… I put him on and he went…
After 2 weeks of him telling me he wanted to go potty he stopped… he is now 2 and has started to tell me again and lost interest again… we are waiting until he is comfortable again… and I think the 3rd time is a charm

My 4 month old pees in the sink at every diaper change… but he know after feeding I change diaper 10 minutes after feeding for 2 minutes…the 20 mintutes later again… then 1.5 hours after until next feeding. It works well. I feed on demand and my son is trained but only poops every coupl days because he is breastfeed.

I think you provide the proper environment and repond to what works best for your child. As long as the child is happy then everythingworks out.