Talking to Toddlers

Does anyone have experience with the program Talking to Toddlers?
Basically… is it worth spending money on? :slight_smile:

You can teach your toddlers by doing some efforts with them. To help your child in teach him talking; you should spend a lot of time in communicating with your child, you can read a book for your child.

As the mothers are the first teacher of a child. Child starts to learn everything from his parents. so it is very nice that you teach him about how to communicate well. Talk with them your daily schedule in a easy language so that they understand what you want to say.

I believe veronika was referring to the product at this link

I don’t have personal experience with this, but it looks like it might have some helpful tips for frustrated parents of toddlers. After reading a few reviews, I personally wouldn’t spend the $37 on it, but so far–knock on wood–my 2.5 year old has been a pretty sweet little girl.

Good luck!

what’s with talking to toddlers program? I teach my kids to talk while they are still before 2 years of age