taking pineapple during pregnancy

it is believed that pineapple should not be taken during pragnency. this is what i got from internet and want hear so good infor about this

[i][b]Eating pineapple or drinking pineapple juice is said to be an old wive’s tale to bring on labour for woman past their due date. Large amounts of pineapple juice can in fact cause uterine contractions. It’s for this reason that in early pregnancy, it’s often suggested that you don’t drink pineapple juice in excess amounts.
Why pineapple can cause contractions

Fresh pineapple contains Bromelain which can also soften the cervix but it is said that it takes large quantities to have any effect which can also result in diarrhea. Some women say that they’ve had zero problems having plenty of pineapple and pineapple juice during pregnancy and others claim it brought on labour. The verdict on pineapple during pregnancy? Some would say that you should eat it in moderation and watch for any signs of problems before your due date. If you’re at or past your due date, it might help you.[/b][/i]"

Even after 40 weeks of pregnancy, I didn’t get contractions. So doctor gave me a date during the beginning of 42nd week to induce if no contractions occur by then. But I didnt want to use any medications for contractions. So one night in the beginning of 42nd week I ate whole pineapple, did some accupressure exercises and walked more than a mile (all these I had done only once during my pregnancy). The very next morning I got contractions and gave birth to my son.

Till date I do not know what caused the contractions, whether the pineapple, accupressure exercise or walking :confused:

My blood has had many times a lot of sugar. Thing which also decreased the pH of my blood (normal pH is 7,43) to acid level.
A way to reduce sugar in blood is to consume the juice of a pineapple daily for 3 weeks.
During pregnancy, as I needed (to balance the pH and improve my health) I tried the method.
I combined the juice with water, as it was easy to drink it that way. I had no contractions, everything was normal and fine.

Pineapple is full of enzymes, that’s why it’s recommended in such situations - those enzymes decompose the sugar from the blood into useful pieces.


thanx for these reply,

i would definitely take pineapple, glad to hear these good news

Today is my due date and I have walked a LOT in the last week. I had a lot of braxton hicks around 36/37 weeks, but in the last week there hasn’t been any.

I hadn’t heard of pineapple before, but I think I will walk to the grocery store and buy a pineapple and some juice. At this point in the game, it couldn’t hurt.

I am ready to hold my baby in my arms and name him/her. Oh, and start with the crawling track, and infant stimulation cards, and breastfeeding, and baby wearing. I think I am mostly ready (or at least as ready as a mother ever really can be!)

when i was pregnant i too drank some pineapple juice when i was overdo. i can’t say for sure if it helped, my baby came exactly one week later than anticipated, but it didn’t hurt and is a much nicer way to induce labor than are available out there.
good luck.

I’ve definitely eaten lots of pineapple during all three pregnancies and never went into early labour. This, of course, is just anecdotal evidence so I would probably not risk it if you haven’t already been a pregnant pineapple eater!