taking away RECESS???

Hello all!

My friend is writing a paper that requries her to get personal thoughts from friends or family…any comments will be helpful.

Ok, here it is, in her words:

Recess plays an imporant part in grade-school aged children, it helps with obesity, a right to free play, and builds soical skills with peers. Some school officals want to reduce recess (NOT PE) to focus more on academic skills and that taking it away will not affect how our children learn and act…

Lets here what you think. If I use your statement I will quote you:) Thanks guys!!

I think recess is the time that children burn of the pent up energy in a healthy way. I think if you take recess out of a child’s day, by afternoon the children would be so antsy they would be unable to learn.
I know in Canada we often have days during the winter where it is too cold to go outside, so the children have indoor recess were they play games or activities at their desks. I’m telling you I can tell by my son’s behavior when he gets home that they did not get outside. He has so much pent up energy he is just off the wall.
Even when we were homeschooling, if I noticed my son’s attention was off or he was getting squirmy, I would take him outside for 15-20mins to run around, and when we got back he was able to concentrate more on the task at hand.
Ask adults to give up their coffee breaks and see what an uproar that would start. Why don’t kids deserve a break too?