System for remembering numbers

Has anyone used the system where numbers stand for consonants and you make up “words” with whatever vowels work for remembering long numbers or dates, etc?

If I remember right, the system goes:
7-K, hard C
8-F, V
9-P, B

So to remember 1492, it would transfer to TRPN or TRBN. So “turban” comes most readily to my mind. Now make an absurd picture, like Columbus wearing a turban and you have linked that date to an event, etc.

Wow! I’ve never heard of anything like this but this would have been fantastic for when I was at uni! Is there a system to remember which letters go with which numbers!? lol

1 is like a lower case t with a small cross bar, n has 2 legs(lowercase), and m has 3 legs
R is like a golfer(with the “leg” being his golf club) and he says “fore!”(four)
5- All I’ve got is that L=50 in roman numerals

Well done! I was actually joking but that is amazing, I will definitely use this and will tach BC to remember important things using this sytem. Imagine the possibilities for remembering dates and other information in history classes! :slight_smile:

I am VERY interested in this… where can I find mo info or do u have any names for this system o anything?

EDITED: I found it

this is really intereting… thanks n karma to u

The JG Early Learning system includes a simple storybook showing kids “How the letters made friends with the numbers.” Initially, it seemed a bit obscure really before I realized the purpose. It is to teach kids the associated letters and numbers from the very beginning. The associations are very, very close to what is listed on Wikipedia (which I presume is a standard system) with minor exceptions to omitting some sounds for numbers 6 & 7. These mnemonic devices will be used in the more advanced levels of JG Math. The books is very basic plastic spiral bound and requires that you color it in if you want it colored (it’s only back and white), but it will effectively get the job done if the parent presents it in a fun way.