
Hi Friends,

Can anyone suggest me some good books to teach my 15months old swimming. For your information she is scared of water and she doesn’t like
if the water touches her face or head. I am mainly doing this to reduce her fear of water.


Have you tried Doman’s Teach your Baby To Swim? I also like the uswim.com website. I use a combination of 123 under and Name, Ready, Go to submerge my kids. I use the bathtub. I crawl into the tub with my kids and work on the submersion and floating front and back in the bathtub. My daughter at 3 1/2 loves to ‘swim’ in the bathtub. She has learned to do front floats in the tub. We go to a pool about once every 2 weeks and work on transferring the skills to a big pool, but the bathtub is a success. The tub is a standard tub and it is a little small, but I find my daughter feels safe and secure and would rather try a new move in the bathtub before trying it in the pool.

I had been trying to get my daughter to submerge her face/head in the water at a swimming pool but she refused. This went on for months. Then I had my new baby, and started doing the Doman Swim program in the bathtub. Well, my daughter was was now 3 started watching me swim with her baby brother in the tub and decided she wanted to do that as well. So, she crawled into the bathtub with me and put her face in the water. After months of fighting her at the pool, the bathtub worked. She learned to do front floats in the tub, and the slowly, very slowly, I can now get her to submerge her face at the pool. We have now been working on dive rings in the bathtub. Seems a little silly, but she pretends to dive and then puts her face in the water to get the ring. Slowly I will transfer this to the pool (I hope). I tried sitting outside of the tub, but it didn’t work as well. It works much better with me in the tub with her. It is a little cramped, but the results have been reasonable and enjoyable vs the struggle at the pool.

Good Luck.

Karma to you for mentioning uswim.com. It looks like a great website, will take a closer look at it tomorrow. Thanks again.