Swelling of the Legs and Feet....

any solutions for Swelling of the Legs and Feet…

are you pregnant? or you gave birth? what is your condiction, so i can give you some advice.

That is common during pregnancy because of sudden increase of weight at particular place.Take very less salt in ur diet n keep ur feet up while sitting.If ur job requires u to stand for long hours then take rest after every couple of hours. :slight_smile:


I did have the same condition during pregnancy. I tried to put my feet up as much as I could. I put a bench underneath my desk and wore tennis shoes to work as much as I could. If not possible for meeting or stuff like that, I wore closed shoes (like boots). This way the feet don’t have room to go anywhere lol Flip flaps were out of the question :nowink: my feet would get so swallen that I completly gave up sandals and it was summer time :frowning: Whan I got home I tried to have my feet up as much as possible too.

My feet were swallen for a couple of weeks after I had my beatiful girl :biggrin: and then it got all better.

Hope this info helps!

what month of pregnancy?its better to visit ur doctor twice a month and try to do urine test and blood pressure.the same thing happen to me while i was pregnant and i had to make sure i dont have a problem.

drink lots of water, eat melons and cut down on salt :slight_smile:
lack of protein in diet can cause extra water retention, but it doesn’t go away if you eat a hamburger…
There are extra density tights/nylons you can put on before getting out of bed in the morning you can buy in medical store…

Not sure if you’re pregnant, if you are, I would advise you see your doctor. It’s very common in pregnancy due to the fact that you have extra blood volume and also as your uerus is expanding, it tends to squash some veins a bit. After delivery, it tends to settle down nicely though.

Having said that, in some cases it’s not that innocent, in some pregnant women, it’s associated with high blood pressure and protein in the urine, so you need to get that checked cos if the condition is not treated, it might cause complications.

Follow the advice others have left above - elevate our feet when sitting, and when sleeping at night, put your feet on a pillow. You’ll be fine I’m sure.

Everyone has mentioned the best things. Good luck it can be really uncomfortable. Remember to drink a lot of water. That may seem strange if you are retaining fluid but toxins start to build up in the tissues so you need more fluids to help drain them.