super accurate environmental toxins blood test

Hi. I learned of a “toxic burden” blood test about to come out, the difference being that this one is apparently significantly more accurate than what blood labs produce now. A new method using a mass spectrometer. Dr’s will finally be able to get more accurate assessments of metals, pcb’s etc in blood. I’m not pregnant but I’d think for anyone planning to be this would be a no brainer. I’m told Dr’s are having their own wives get it, and also their young children.

I know some might say its not good to get all worked up over something like this, that it “is what it is”, but this is too important I think, and so simple and powerful. afterall, a fetus can’t tollerate levels of bad things like us adults.

I’m not sure how much it will cost, but if truly the most accurate test for a range of metals and toxins, how can I not? for all I know it could cost a ton of money.
Seems like if you’re going to eat right and detox, you’d want to quantify the problem/improvement over time.

anyone heard of it? any thoughts? even if they detect alarming levels of something I wonder if I can do anything about it? i’ll try to get more information thanks