suggestions welcome

Hi everyone,
I have a very independent minded two year old who I have been doing the brill kids with sporadically, but she dosnt seem too interested and only does a few minutes before wanting to go onto other computer prorammes that are more interactive. Anyone got any ideas for motivating a two year old and engaging them in the programme. I have tried the physical cards that she can lift the flap with and she’s interested for a few minutes but not much more. She prefers to just enjoy reading books together (me reading and her enjoying the stories).
Any ideas welcome.

What about just doing lessons in the background? You will be surprised at how much they take in without seeming interested.

Hi intrigued,

You could always customize lessons to appeal to your child by using pictures familiar to her. You could even create some categories of words she would be interested in to spark her interest in the program. When my son did not like watching Little Math I would talk enthusiastically about the lessons while we were doing other fun activities like swinging. So when it came time for the lesson to be watched he associated it with fun times.
Here are some links to past threads on this topic

I started using the downloads, you will be able to find something that interests your DD. DS loves the musical instruments, animals and all things to do with vehicles. Once I was able to get him interested I said that he had to do a LR lesson before I could open the particular download he wanted .He loves the game option also. BTW he is 2.5 and a very active child, we do not sit still during lessons either. Anyone watching me would think I am crazy but whatever works I will do. Good luck!

I made categories that were completely my sons choice. He could put anything he wanted in them. ( lanyard, Spider-Man, bee, cars, matchbox, Cheerios, abacus, Zac etc) I literally put in everything he asked for and he LOVED watching them over and over. I recommend putting in pictures of family members it he middle of categories to keep them watching. Also favourite toys, rooms in your own house and special animals. It doesn’t matter what words you show so long as you continue to show words!

Sometimes kids learn through playing too… it would be an idea as to include some activities in play time which gives the kid the chance to learn new things through playing.

I like the following site
it includes lots of creative and nice ideas…
Hope it helps to your great maximum ;D

Good luck with your baby :smiley: